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The marketing expert other marketing experts go to when they need help with their own campaigns is revealing his entire sought-after "playbook" of go-to copywriting strategies...
Announcing… A Rare (and Extremely Limited) Opportunity To Learn & Deploy The Same Arsenal Of Copywriting Patterns & Triggers
Todd Brown Uses Inside All The Big-Money Marketing Campaigns He’s Known For!
All the copy gambits and devices...
All the psychological triggers...
All the framing techniques...
All the positioning patterns...
All the objection-killing maneuvers...
All the closing segues...
➡PLUS... Act now and get your own FREE COPY of the biggest, rarest marketing swipe file on the planet... shipped to your front door.
From the desk of Todd Brown
West Palm Beach, Florida
September 20, 2021
Dear Fellow Direct-Response Entrepreneur,
For years, top players in the marketing space have been asking me to do this…
Well, after 20 years in this business, I'm finally... for the first time ever... revealing everything I know about crafting marketing copy that converts like crazy.
I'm talkin' about…
The most complete and comprehensive walk-thru of what I do to repeatedly pump-out copy for campaigns and promotions which bring in serious money.
Here, finally, is your opportunity to learn real “world-class” copy secrets only a handful of the savviest marketers even knew existed a short time ago… including the...
“Super-Advanced” Skills, Know-How,
And Techniques Of…
★ How to nail the perfect marketing hook every time… so prospects can’t resist the deep psychological urge to dive into your marketing! (“Categorical Criteria Checklist”)
★ …How to induce prospects to believe… as a fact... every benefit claim you make about your product! (“Claim Reframing”)
★ …How to compel prospects to want your product so badly, they see it as an urgent need, right now! (”Payoff Stacking”)
★ …How to assure prospects view you with unquestionable credibility and authority… even if you have zero experience or testimonials! (“The Triple Proof Syntax”)
...How to drive the marketplace wild with desire for your product… seeing it as something new, unique, and HOT!… even if you’re selling something common or ordinary! (“Mechanism Frontloading”)
...How to guarantee your copy produces monster sales… anytime you want to whip-up a promotion! (“Copy Sequencing”)
... Plus… how to stimulate (and manage) a steady flow of fresh and provocative marketing ideas… equipping you to finally experience a string of your own back-to-back-to-back big-money campaigns! (“PI Inversion Method”)
And that’s just a small “taste” of what’s in store for you.
From A-Z, you’ll see me lay-out and detail for you every trick, technique, tactic, & strategy I use to...
Engineer Copy Which Repeatedly Become
Million & Multi-Million-Dollar
Marketing Campaigns!
And, I'm going to share it all during a one-time-only two-day Workshop.
And I guarantee… it will be unlike any copywriting course, training, or book you’ve gone through.
You're not going to hear me waste time with the nonsense amateur fill-in-the-blank templates...
You're not going to hear me waste time covering the same old copy formulas or headline models like "Who Else Wants To..." or "They Laughed When I..."...
And you’re not going to hear me rehash the standard axioms of good copywriting.
Heck no! All of that is already done, and already all over the web.
Not too mention, almost every top marketer today agrees: the “old-school” methods of copywriting don’t produce nearly as well anymore.
And even worse… the “old-school” copy methods are no longer compliant on Facebook, Google, YouTube, etc. Just ask the marketers who now have banned ad accounts.
So we’re not going to waste any time talking about those common or risky copy techniques.
No. I'm going to give you something different — all the pieces and tactics and tricks and under-the-hood elements... which nobody else is sharing anywhere (cause they don’t know it)... of copy that converts... today.
And fact is...
I've never met or seen anyone... not anyone... who knows and uses all the unique copy gambits and devices I do, like I do.
As you probably know or have heard:
My copy approach is radically different…
That's why it produces such crazy-high sales numbers. And that’s why the best marketers on the planet come to me when they need help with their own campaigns.
So, over the two days of this Workshop, you’re getting access to copy techniques… NOT revealed anywhere else... for engineering marketing messages which almost never fail to bring in serious money.
And in case you’re wondering… yes… the stuff you're going to learn on this Workshop is not only crushing it right now, it’s also compliant on Facebook, Google, and Youtube.
And I guarantee you...
If you follow what I give you over these two days... you'll walk away with...
A Level Of Copywriting Know-How
Few Entrepreneurs Will Ever Possess!
▶ You’ll know how to theme any marketing piece to seize your prospects’ full attention… getting them to stop whatever they’re doing… craving to hear more of your message.
▶ You’ll know how to suck prospects into your marketing… arousing their “buying desires” so they’re eager to respond to your offer and buy.
▶ You’ll know how to deploy “differentiated positioning” to present your product... so prospects instantly see it as different and superior to every other option out there.
▶ You’ll know how to convince prospects… on an emotional and logical level... that investing in your offer is the smartest move they can make right now… without coming-off pushy or salesy.
▶ You'll know how to do things in your copy... so friggin’ powerful... it'll make your competitors' stuff look ridiculous.
And your marketing campaigns will be on an entirely different level: From how they sound... their vibe... the way they move prospects... to how they work to...
Consistently Produce Sales For You
At Scale!
And I cannot stress how powerfully these secrets can affect your business, sales, and income. There is no other training or course like this anywhere.
Without question… what you’re about to be privy to on this two-day event will change everything for you. And I do not say that lightly.
Here, in more detail, is what I’ll be revealing throughout the two days:
“Soft Copy”: The real secret behind the highest-converting marketing campaigns launched today! (Almost none of the “copy experts” know this… and the ones that do never talk about it!)
How to identify the “spot-on” emotional appeal for any marketing campaign… so you trigger your prospects’ most powerful emotional buying driver! (Get this even slightly wrong, and you see less sales!)
The number one rule which absolutely… must be observed… if you want to ensure you deploy a marketing hook which seizes your prospects’ immediate and full attention!
How to deploy an “Urgency Trigger” that stops prospects from bailing when they hit your sales page… and get them to consume your full marketing message immediately! (This has nothing to do with countdown timers or scarcity or anything like that.)
What to say in the first 350-500 words of a VSL or long-form sales letter to have prospects hanging on your every word… all the way through your offer!
“Stealth Payoff Questions” which subconsciously force your prospects to vividly imagine themselves enjoying your product’s benefits! This is...
Unbelievably Powerful,
So Please Only Use This Ethically!
NO TESTIMONIALS? No sweat! Deploy some “Payoff Hints” a few times throughout your marketing message… like I’ll show you… and watch as prospects buy your product with complete confidence!
Fix boring copy chunks in seconds with this simple “keyboard shortcut”! (It works with any computer… and almost instantly makes your copy more exciting.)
The single most persuasive guarantee you can use! (Pop this into almost any offer, and there’s a good chance your sales conversion rate will immediately jump.)
The 8 critical “Prospect Risks” your copy needs to satisfy… if you ever want to experience jaw-dropping high sales conversion rates! Skip even one of these, and you’re likely leaving a lot of money on the table.
The dead “giveaway” which proves… before you click publish... if your marketing campaign will be ignored by most prospects in your market!
The single biggest reason prospects don’t buy! (And the almost fool-proof way to ensure it’s never triggered by your copy.)
BANNED! The evidence is overwhelming: Certain “old-school” copywriting methods are now suppressing sales! I’ll tell you exactly what they are on the Workshop.
A sure-fire way to guarantee you have a gripping marketing message… every time… even if you’re in a super-saturated and competitive marketplace where prospects have “heard it all”!
How to evoke the big four “Attention Emotions” in the first 20 seconds of your marketing… so...
You Hook Prospects And
Have Them Salivating To Hear More!
Do you know how to use hard-hitting copy within Facebook ads… while remaining fully compliant? You will after this Workshop!
2 specific things prospects need to hear in your copy to feel completely confident buying! (Nine out of ten marketers are absolutely floored by this secret... because... they didn't have the slightest clue.)
STOP DOING THIS: The one thing never… ever… to say in your copy anymore in 2021! (This could be costing you more sales right now than you know.)
The 3 second test which proves whether prospects will find your copy easy to understand! (Mark Ford swears this is so valuable… it’s now mandatory for all copywriters at the Agora Companies.)
The sure-fire “Alphabet Hack” any marketer can do in seconds… which excites prospects to buy because they see your product as brain-dead simple to use!
The most powerful “three-word phrase” you can use in your copy today! It ensures almost everything you say completely bypasses your prospect’s sales filter.
Do this… and you eliminate the guess-work of choosing what to include in your headline! (Imagine the hours this can save you!)
The little-known “Benefit Triad” used by A-level copywriters which can...
Make Almost Any Product Sound Like
A Magical Solution!
The weird “Schizophrenic Hack” I use while writing copy… which ensures your finished message sounds as smooth as butter!
The single most important thing a marketer can do… before writing a single word of copy… to multiply your chance of having a grand-slam home run campaign!
“Two words” to add to a text-based Facebook Ad that’ll hijack your prospects attention as they’re scrolling through their newsfeed… and force them to engage with your ad!
A priceless list of common conversion-killing words never to include in your marketing message today! (If you have any of these anywhere in your funnel… get them out immediately! They’re costing you sales!)
The only “speed hack” I’ve found to work like a charm so you can bang-out solid copy… fast!
The utterly-simple, 30-minute “Spider Reconnaissance System” which tells you exactly what your copy needs to say... so prospects are convinced right now is the time to buy! (Do this before you write anything… and you’ll be stunned by the impact on your conversions.)
And that’s not even everything...
You can see why this Workshop is causing such a stir among marketers in our tribe!
The secrets you’ll walk-away with can cause dramatic improvements… not just to your marketing… but to your business, cash flow, revenue, marketplace reputation, confidence, and… your bankable take-home income.
And once you learn how to use even a few of these proven methods in your copy, you’ll be shocked at how easy it is to consistently pump out sales-producing marketing messages.
And the more of these tactics you use, the more potent and persuasive your copy will be.
So Why Have I Decided To
Reveal All My Copy Secrets Now?
Two reasons:
First, and main reason… I’m doing this for my highest-level clients...
It’s my gift to them. And I know it’ll make them gobs more money and bring them a lot more success. So, I owe it to them to not hold anything back.
Two, because I haven't seen anybody else sharing the deeper, tactical nuances of copy that produces consistent sales at scale.
Almost all the copy training out there is high-level, conceptual. More big-picture than how-to.
I've yet to see anyone share the nitty-gritty, nuts-and-bolts stuff: word choice... sentence structure... framing... internal triggering... language patterns… THE DETAILS!
Yet, the wealthiest marketers know: it's in the details of “copy that sells” where the rubber meets the road.
Understanding copy on a conceptual level is one thing; understanding how to apply the deeper secrets of copy in the way you string together your words, sentences, paragraphs, content chunks... that's...
Where The Real
Money-Making Magic Happens!
And that is exactly what I'll be sharing with you during this Workshop.
Secrets like…
The one type of marketing story… less than one out of ten marketers even know about… that’s more powerful than the Hero’s Journey! (It’s NOT a client case study or your backstory.)
The scary-powerful technique of “Emotion Scenarios”... which allows you to control the voice in your prospect’s head… triggering their deep-seeded buying motivators!
The sneaky 4-word phrase to put at the beginning of just one sentence in your marketing… which...
Instantly Adds Massive Credibility
To Your Whole Message!
A secret “product positioning trick” almost nobody (except a few, A-list copywriters) know about… which is producing double-digit sales conversions!
The ingenious "Alias" technique the biggest financial copywriters use to make an ordinary product sound new, unique, and hot! (I’ll show you how to do this ethically, while you still acquire new buyers in droves.)
“3 Magic Words” to say right after you make a big claim about your product… which forces prospects to see it as a fact… and believe every word!
The child-friendly “Greek Technique”: It makes your copy fun, entertaining, and enjoyable for prospects to consume! (Unknown to 90% of marketers!)
How to lead prospects to see your offer as their smartest and best option. Just add this one “secret sentence” to the end of your sales letter… and...
Watch How Much Higher Your
Sales Conversion Rate Jumps!
A common technique used by photographers which magnifies the value of your product… and has your prospects feeling like they’re getting an amazing deal!
The one “Rhetorical Device” which transforms even the most complicated product into an understandable and exciting picture in your prospect’s mind! (Dr. Robert Cialdini calls this “the most powerful persuasion trigger there is!”)
The simple copy gambit which prevents prospects from procrastinating on your offer and overcomes their buying inertia… so you get more same-day sales!
And there’s more. A lot more. I could go on for another 15 pages… but if I haven’t convinced you of how much this Workshop can be worth to you by now, I never will.
But, I need to clarify one thing...
This Workshop is NOT for everyone. It may not be for you.
This Workshop is absolutely NOT for the casual “internet marketer” or the guy or gal exploring the idea of a “side hustle”.
This Workshop is only for serious marketers... who want elite-level copy chops!
No copywriting 101 or even 201 stuff. No. This Workshop will be like getting a friggin’ PhD in turning words into money.
And you’re either already over-the-moon excited about this… or... this is not appropriate for you.
So, if you do recognize the monster opportunity this is, then mark down these details:
Date: September 25th-26th.
The whole thing is happening on Zoom. So you can attend from anywhere… in your pajamas, underwear, I don’t care.
Each of the two days goes from 9:30AM to 5:00PM ET (New York time).
There’ll be a break each day for lunch at 12:30PM ET. And, a couple of quick bathroom breaks throughout.
Other than that, it’ll be all business for us. Like… for real.
In fact, let me be upfront: The Workshop is going to be extremely intense and fast-paced.
So you’ll need to be prepared to keep up.
And you should already realize, the Workshop is going to be...
Packed To The Gills
With Copy Moves
You Can Use Right Away!
So you should also be prepared to take serious notes.
And, yes… everything will be recorded for you so you can reference it again and again.
In fact, as soon as day two of the Workshop ends… within 24 hours you’ll get the unedited video and audio recordings of the whole thing.
You’ll also get several hefty PDFs with all my slides.
This way you can go through all the tactics and triggers and materials as often as you’d like… to make sure you don’t miss-out on a single money-making secret.
The Investment
To Attend?
You get everything for only three monthly installments of $1300… or… you can make one payment today of just $2999 and save yourself nine-hundred bucks.
Yeah… that’s it!
And let me be frank...
If you don’t already know this is an ABSOLUTE STEAL… this is not for you.
Fact is: Folks regularly (and happily) pay $15,000.00 for a single day of consulting with me.
And, I’ve never… ever… held a two-day Workshop for less than $10,000.00 a seat. Not even years ago.
So, why is the investment for this Workshop such a tiny amount, you may be wondering?
Simple. Because I want it to sell-out quickly. I don’t want to have to focus on some extravagant follow-up. Why not? Because I want to continue investing as much time as possible prepping for the Workshop… to deliver the most valuable copy training our industry has… or will ever... see.
So that’s why the investment is as low as it is.
And, in case you’re wondering about the...
Well… there is none.
For the first time in my two-decade career, I’ve decided not to use a guarantee.
Why? Because the stuff you’re getting on this Workshop is too valuable… too special… and too extraordinary for me to allow some scumbag to get it all, quickly make a lot of money with it, and ask for a refund anyway.
So, if you’re on the fence… and need a money-back guarantee to jump at this... I’ll say it again — this is not for you.
If you don’t already know me… my reputation… my chops… and the value of what I have to share with you, I would ask you to pass on this offer. Seriously. Please.
But, if you do want this… you do see yourself as a sharp marketer… and you do feel you deserve to have wicked-good copy chops…
I’m also going to send you...
An EXTRA Treasured Gift
When You Register…
This gift... is so friggin’ valuable… I could easily charge $5,000.00 for it alone… if not more… and collect it all day.
I’m talking about…
Your Own Physical Set Of The Biggest, Rarest, & Most Valuable Marketing Swipe File On The Planet! (YOURS FREE!)
And you’re going to be blown-away by this! And… absolutely love it!
See: For the past decade-plus I’ve saved every marketing piece mailed by the best, most successful marketers in the game — Dan Kennedy, Frank Kern, Russell Brunson, Jay Abraham, Neil Patel, Caleb O’Dowd, Newsmax, The Agora Companies, Health & Healing, Robert Kiyosaki, Stansberry Research, you name it!
Everything they’ve mailed: Letters, postcards, bookalogs, magalogs, catalogues, invitations, every kind of marketing piece you can imagine.
Pieces promoting:
⦿ Products...
⦿ Webinars...
⦿ Events...
⦿ Masterminds...
⦿ Lead magnets...
⦿ Strategy sessions...
⦿ Conferences
⦿ Memberships...
⦿ Bootcamps...
⦿ Affiliate products...
⦿ Coaching programs
⦿ Courses...
You'll be stunned by the endless stream of copy ideas
you have from this monster-sized swipe file.
And I paid an arm and a leg to have the entire decade-plus collection digitized, organized, and printed… into 100 individually-numbered multi-volume sets.
It cost me over $221.72 just to ship the friggin’ thing... and over $1,361.00 and over 120 hours just for the team to cleanly scan and digitize this monster collection.
I’m talking about an endless collection of top-shelf marketing pieces you can model, swipe from, and adopt to deploy your own big money campaigns.
With this at your side…
You’ll Never Lack For
Actionable Marketing Ideas Again!
And each set… is gargantuan. And obviously, insanely… insanely... valuable.
Needless to say, there are no plans anytime soon to sell this collection.
The only people to ever see it… let alone own it… will be YOU, and the other registrants (and, of course, my highest level clients).
This… is your free gift… when you act now and grab one of the 100 spots to this historic Workshop.
And, if you’re an rapid-action-taker… and one of the first 10 people to register, you get another “guaranteed sales-producing” gift...
Personal Copy Critique From Me (Todd)!
Send me any one of your campaigns, and I’ll review the whole thing from A-Z… then send you a personal video with the exact tweaks to make.
I’ll tell you what to add, subtract, change, where, when, and how.
And I guarantee… when you put my new version of your marketing campaign to the test, it’ll produce a heck of a lot more in sales than your investment for the entire Workshop… in less than 20 days (if not sooner).
Keep in mind: I normally only do this for my highest-level clients paying $45,000.00 a year.
So this gift is… alone... worth 15X more than the entire investment for your seat to the Workshop.
But, you must be one of the first 10 people to register to get it.
And that’s why I encourage you to stop reading… and act now!
Quickly, here's a recap of everything you get:
One ticket to attend Todd Brown's historic two-day A-Z Copywriting Workshop (Sept. 25-26)
The unedited video & audio recording bundle of the entire Workshop (within 24 hours after the Workshop concludes
All the Workshop slides in several PDF handouts
FREE! CRAZY BONUS: One of only 100 multi-volume sets of the biggest, rarest, & most valuable marketing swipe file on the planet! (Value $5,000.00)
FREE! FOR THE FIRST 10 TO REGISTER ONLY: Your campaign tweaked and improved by me (Todd), if you’re one of the first ten to register SOLD-OUT
Just remember: This is a ONE-TIME-ONLY Workshop.
I will NOT be doing this again. Nor are there any plans to sell the recordings to the public anytime soon.
So if you don’t want to miss-out, you want to register right now.
Hope to see ya there.
It's going to be epic!
Todd Brown
P.S. SPECIAL ADDED FREE BONUS! When you register today, you'll also be invited to an exclusive 3-hour private call with me... to give you personal feedback on your copy questions.
Mark it down now in your calendar: Monday, September 27 from 5-8PM ET (New York time)
Get my personal guidance for applying the different copy gambits and triggers and techniques to your specific marketing campaigns!
Get my personal feedback on a headline or offer!
Get my personal critique of a possible marketing idea or hook!
Get my insight on the best way to position and present your product!
...whatever copy questions you have, I'll answer them with you, live!
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- 1.- You will receive an email to get your download link
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- 3.- You copy and paste this link on your browser, and now you can download all the courses as a ZIP file.
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