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Graduate details are below, but first, lemme pour some more nuggets on you in this goofy video I shot from my phone.
Let Me Introduce You to Your #1 Asset
This is the only asset that ALWAYS matters at all times. Your job every day is to guard it; because it holds the key to everything you want in life.
This is HOW we "Phone Booth" ourselves in just 2 minutes per day... to be consistent, stay focused and perform every day.
Wow! There's my hairy face
Use the gear icon to speed up the video if you want. Got questions? Chat is available at the bottom right when/if needed.
Dear Friend,
This is kinda like a bonus Day 22, eh?
Because I haven't wanted our journey together to end.
Please do me the honor of putting your eyeballs, whilst your eye lids are open, on each word of this page.
There's really no need for fancy-pants verbiage here.
Reckon you probably already know if you want in to the grad deal or not.
You know a few more things than when you started.
You know...
What to expect from me.
What we're capable of together
Yourself better than ever.
That we've come this far.
That you don't want the journey to end here.
That you've just started.
That so much more is possible for you.
That its better to do it together.
That I'm being a cheezy cheeze face.
Should be obvious where to go from here, FORWARD.
Point blank, you've earned the chance to go deeper and experience MORE and I'll show you how to do that.
Here's the deal Friend...
If you liked, enjoyed, resented/appreciated the Breakthrough Challenge and/or felt and/or experienced life-altering results to any degree... you will LOVE the grad training. It's lit (as our teenager would say).
QUESTION: We've gained a metric ton of momentum together.
Want to build on that?
Your momentum from the BC when added to the grad training and community has the potential to be an order of magnitude more powerful than the BC was.
But not because of how it's delivered.
The grad training is less intense than the BC... and I'm MORE involved with you.
So yes you can breathe a sigh of relief.
No birdies breathing down your neck for this one, but imma kick you in the pants personally.
You can take it, you're a pro.
But - BUT... the principles and tools of the IAMONE, The 5-Word Fix™, INTRASCENSION™ and The Purpose Tracks are so much more pro-found and impactful (if you can imagine that).
No... enrollment is not $15k for three months, or even $7800 for IAMONE like you'd expect. Not even close.. although that's what I used to charge for years.
I'd take clients on a custom trip through IAMONE which included only 4 phone calls for $15k.
I want to make the graduate training a no-brainer for you, so we can continue our journey together.
It's within reach for nearly everyone.
You'll love it. And your life will love it even more.
So let's stack the deck in your favor again, Friend.
TODAY... you have a legitimately limited opportunity to "cash in" your $ Breakthrough Bucks and credit your $ toward your grad training to use as a one-time discount toward your graduate experience.
$ + $ = $
We'll see if the birdies can do maths
Call it a scholarship or whatever.
But the way I see it, you earned it. Let's not let it go to waste.
Why limited?
Because letting time pass works against you when it comes to identity-based growth. Why would I want to lose you to complacency?
You've got to stay on top of it. So I want to incentivize you to capitalize on the momentum we've already built to create MORE and get more out of life.
The effect of getting this right...
You'll grow as smoothly and as quickly as you want without losing what matters most. (e.g. be the Superman more than the Clark Kent without losing the girl).
Tada! Here are the grad training details. Stop holding your breath Friend geez lol.
Introducing IAMONE™
(Your Essential Graduate Training)
Friend! Let's huddle up for a sec.
What you've felt throughout the Breakthrough Challenge is the REAL you.
Flashes of your Super-Friend followed by a full-on Phone-Boothing.
QUESTION: Would being your Super-Friend more often and more predictably be more useful for you?
Good, because from here out, the "Clark Kent" sightings will be the rarity.
IAMONE™ is a simple yet comprehensive identity-based dashboard that helps Super-Friend stick around.
Here's What It'll Do For You...
Take just 120 seconds to step into the phone booth, once per day. That's it.
You'll FEEL awesome.
But we know FEELING is not something you can take to the bank. It ain't measurable.
But productivity is. Consistency is. Money is.
More than anything else, it will help you stay focused, be consistent, and rise to any challenge without the noise, pressure, stress, and fears of losing what matters most or being LESS than who you are.
That's what happens when you cut through what doesn't matter to focus on the single asset that ALWAYS matters.
Your identity.
Make identity-based choices in line with your choice-based identity.
It changes everything.
DISCLAIMER: Nobody on earth has the chutzpah to STAY Superself 100% of the time, not even Superman himself. There are always ebbs and flows. Because life and kryptonite and Lex Luthors. BUT with IAMONE™ you have more control than ever and can quickly and easily recover from bouts of amnesia.
Realize... it'll be a challenge to create (did you expect anything less?) and it'll take work on several levels of what you believe to be true about yourself.
But you've proven you're up for a challenge.
Let me ask you Friend...
What else could you spend two minutes on that is MORE important... or impactful...
To lock in your outcomes and back it up with performance.
To recover when you get distracted.
To make you bulletproof to the things that used to take you out of the game.
What if... it took a couple more weeks together to dial in those 2 minutes? Would it be worth it?
What if... you were 50% more effective in the critical areas of your life and business today? What about 75%?
In terms of tracking growth accurately...
Productivity is one of the only things other than MONEY that we can quantify as PROOF of our growth.
FACT: Over the last 6 years of doing this privately... the average productivity increases for past clients is well over 323%. (usually while working less too).
Getting more (of the important stuff) done is unquestionable growth.
DISCLAIMER: Those were private clients (which I don't take on anymore except in rare cases). I'm not claiming that's what'll happen for you... but what if we get anywhere near 300%?
It's literally impossible you don't experience a flood of good things if you're Super-Friend today and every day.
What do you expect when you're doing your Super-Friend thing?
You won't be able to stop the inevitable flow of the unquantifiable qualitative intagibles that matter far more than money...
Not to mention... while experiencing dramatically LESS stress, anxiety, fear, procrastination, overwhelm, self-doubt, limiting beliefs, self-sabotage...
All of that is the gravy on top of controlling just ONE simple thing.
How you feel about yourself today.
All of that is the effect of focusing on ONLY what matters.
Yep, just 2 minutes per day (after we do the IAMONE™work together).
We're all starving for simplicity... because what's important gets lost in complexity.
This is the simplicity of ONE.
One phone booth.
Once per day (more if you want).
One "masternode" that controls ALL the rest.
ONE Super-Friend.
This is IAMONE™
Here's What You Get...
At least, here's what I'm willing to share before you join us.
Got so much other training and constantly adding more.
I grow too.
And my growth gets shared as growth for you too.
Here's the high level.
Any deeper questions, hit me up in the chat.
The graduate training is NOT like the Breakthrough Challenge.
There is a homebase that you'll have a login link to... but no ridiculous username and password thingies.
The trainings are go at your own pace.
The Most important training is IAMONE. That one must be finished before unlocking the rest.
Aside from that, you got at your own pace.
It's more "lax" because we can be. You've had the traumatic experience that changes the game for you.
You're no longer swimming upstream in life (at least one important aspect of life or business).
But now you need to continually steer the ship.
Here's what we've got for ya in IAMONE...
Your very own custom Super-Friend dashboard. One side of one sheet of paper (I use one per quarter). Eco friendly lol. No years worth of journals to buy. Add this to 2-minute process to ANYTHING you are already doing in the morning to maximize it. One 2-minute glance of your almighty eye is all you need to step into your phone booth and stack the deck in your favor to crush your day.
Complete training. No hidden fees. No partial concepts. No untimely upsells. Nothing held back.
All the training you'll need in a sequential format. Videos, worksheets, support, etc. No skipping ahead.
The Mute Button exercise (Lesson 6). A life changer. This'll tap into the guts of who you are and make it REALLY clear. So we can activate it on the daily.
On your time. Its 100% go at your own pace. You can roll through it in a few days or take as long as you want and soak it in.
Lifetime access, including any updates. Which happen all the time.
And Bonuses...
Duh, as if that was all...
Such cool stuff we get to do that is beyond IAMONE™
The 5-Word Fix™ Lol. My favorite tool. It's so killer. Easiest way ever to maintain the momentum you've created. Short story. Had a dude pay me $15k to coach him. On the first call I dropped the 5 Word Fix on him. It activates the Super- Friend in seconds when you use it properly. He refused to allow me to teach him anything else. This was four years ago. Just got a message from him the other day, he STILL uses it on the daily. It's that good and that simple. If you ever feel tempted, distracted, procrastination... the human nature stuff... slap it with these five words and you're back on top. You get the full training, not just the how, but the why too.
The Breakthrough Challenge Archive. Yup. I've compiled everything you've accessed in the BC and put it in one place so you can have it forever. When you graduate the BC, you lose access to the challenge content. It's one trip through. But here, it'll be there for you on the always.
6-Months Access to "The Grove": When it launches shortly. With you in it. You'll get free access for 6-minths and a charter rate if you choose to continue. New monthly trainings. Monthly group calls with Seth. (After 6 months its just $77 per month for you or $597 per year. Cancel anytime). More details coming soon... reason you're getting 6 months instead of 3 is because we're still building that community out. It's brand new.
The Purpose Tracks. Get big answers to the biggest questions without even asking them. Learn how simple achievement is and have the productivity system that I use, which fits perfectly into IAMONE.
INTRASCENSION™ Core. This framework is the background to the BC. It's WHY it works. I use this framework to diagnose any dips in my productivity or identity and prescribe a solution. It's so simple and clear that when you truly understand it, you'll never need another mindset training. This is it. It'll chart your course of inner growth, effortlessly. My private coaching clients stay focused on this framework and master it.
INTRASCENSION™ Size Matters... this is how we play the game. The chess match. The moves that matters. It's so simple and fun. If you've ever felt doubt, fear, anxiety. If you've ever procrastinated or fallen off the rails and not sure what to do, Size Matters is how to use the INTRASCENSION™ assets to right the ship quickly, to turn your Superhuman Nature on and step back into the phone booth. The confidence and clarity from this training alone will turn you into an unstoppable machine.
Lifetime updates. I reserve the right to add anything I want here. And I will. Because you get lifetime access to every new course or training.
Here's How to Get It...
Got questions?
Hit me up in the chat.
One-Time Payment of $995
(with HUGE $ discount)
You earned $ Breakthrough Bucks during the challenge.
You put down a $ deposit. You get that as a credit.
Add those together and you get a HUGE discount of $
NOTE: The graduate training will be available ANYTIME at $995. You will always have access to your deposit credit as well. HOWEVER... the Breakthrough Bucks will expire. Let's go!
With a $ Discount
Easy Payment Plan
(with just your $ Credit)
One payment today of $199 (minus your $ deposit credit) is due today and then four more payments of $199, 30-days apart.
So where do you want to go from here?
If more time together isn't comfortable for you, still lemme know what to do with your deposit.
NO THANKS, had a great time and I'd love to leave my $ as a tip but pass on the grad training.
NO THANKS, looks awesome but I'll carry on alone, please send me the deposit back.
Go. Fight. Win.
P.S. I love you no matter where we go from here.
Q and A
When does IAMONE™ start? Normally, it would start immediately. But I'm taking the first group through LIVE. We officially start March 4.
Is there a money back guarantee? No. By now you should FEEL the value of what we do and how we do it, from the inside out. If not, don't join us for the grad training. You step fully in, or don't step at all. This is a trust issue. Do you not trust yourself or do you not trust me?
I'm not quite ready to jump in, can I join later? Sure, you can join any time. Changing your own life is always in your own hands. But the Breakthrough Bucks will expire. It'll save you a bit so now is best. But we'll be here when you're ready.
Why don't you charge more? LOL I get asked this all the time. In fact, my industry friends get upset because I used to charge up to $15k just for the BC... So now, a deposit-based free program becomes better than the majority of programs that are billed at $15k. On top of that, IAMONE™ and the grad training suite is just $995. Again, far less than normal. Why? My motivation is different. I want to flood the earth with the life-changing principles in the challenge and call out the few who are willing to go deeper. Nothing against the $15k price tag unless it doesn't provide the value you deserve (which happens WAY too often). Bottomline, I don't need to charge that nor do I want to. $995 is exactly enough to make it worth it for me and affordable for you. I'd rather reach MORE people for less than fewer people for more. Make sense?
Why are you selling something? LOL. This makes me laugh. Every now and then I get asked this. The Breakthrough Challenge™ was a tremendous undertaking to serve the world in the highest way possible for pretty much free... There's NOTHING like it on earth. Though this is a business not a charity, it is also a mission that needs to be funded in order to perpetuate. It's also how I provide for my family... fund my wife's charity and spread love to those who need it. Also, you deserve to have way more value in exchange for your ticket. Up until now, it's be lopsided in your favor and will continue to be that way even after you join IAMONE.™ Inside the grad training and community it'll be no different.
Why no "Breakthrough Bucks" for the payment plan? To reward the committed choice and because it's a tech nightmare... Also, in my experience, the full-pay provides a better environment for you. When its possible, that's the best route.
Why 6 months of access to the IAMONE™ community? Normally, this would only be 3 months free access but the community is in process of being built out and may take a while. In usual fashion, it'll be like nothing on earth in terms of value, community and FEELING.
Why is access to the Breakthrough Challenge™ content being removed? So that you make best use of your one trip through. Pay most attention and use your human nature for you instead of against you. If you choose not to join us for the grad training, access to BC content will be removed in a few days. So if you want to review, do it now.
How much time is IAMONE™ going to take? You get out what you put in, but go at your own pace. The training is exactly enough and nothing more. Not going to tell you how long it is because I don't time it. All we care about is what it'll do for you. Am I right? It's NOT 14,342 hours of preloaded content into the robust, over-done membership site for which you'll likely never login or lose the login credentials... lol NO. It gets a life changing result just like everything else we do. Your IAMONE™ dashboard will change everything for you.
Immediately after you paid:
- 1.- You will receive an email to get your download link
- 2.- This is an example of the text file you will get
- 3.- You copy and paste this link on your browser, and now you can download all the courses as a ZIP file.
FAQ Your Most Popular Questions, Answered:
Immediately after the payment, you will get a link to download the product (like a google drive folder). The link will be sent to your email account immediately, and you can always get the link on your account history too.
The course is 100% completed and updated (includes ALL videos, pdfs, files, screenshots, everything); after you pay, you get a link to download the course Immediately.
We will send you a full refund if you don't get the complete course you ordered and we can't solve the problem in the following 24 hours. Please get in touch with us if you want a refund. Your refund request will be processed within 24 hours
We show screenshots from the course, give you a video sample, and show you the folder where you will get access to download the course; that is proof that we have the course.
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