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This 4-question quiz reveals everything you need to know about whether or not you’ll be able to successfully build your own business, break free from the 9-5, and have the life you want
As Featured in Forbes, Business Insider
Entrepreneur Magazine, The Huffington Post, Inc.
Question #1:
When you think about your business right now, which group of emotions do you feel more?
Doubt: “Is this really possible?” “Am I wasting my time?”
Fear: “What will people say?” “What if I get rejected?”
Worry: “Why isn’t it happening faster?” “Why is it so hard?”
Confidence: “I have set business goals and I know I’ll hit them”
Excitement: “I’m going to be leaving my job soon!”
Joy: “I'm finally doing something I enjoy while making a difference"
Question #2:
Let's say you want to make some sales of your coaching or course offer. Are you more likely to...
Worry that you’d be bothering people if you pitched them, so you work on your website, feel bad about even mentioning your offer, and wait (and pray) for a client to find you.
Confidently share your offer -- and the price! -- with everyone you know on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more because you know that people really need it.
Question #3:
If you’ve just hopped off a sales call with a potential client who didn’t end up buying from you, are you more likely to…
Wonder if you’ll ever get another sales call and doubt if running a business is right for you. (And maybe you're even thinking that you should just focus on your job.)
Schedule a follow-up in your calendar, figure out what you can improve based on that conversation, and take focused action to get your next sales call.
Question #4:
Based on the actual progress you’ve made in your business to date, where do you see yourself in five years? (Be honest! This isn’t about where you want to be. We’ll get to that in a bit.)
I’m still hating the sound of my alarm every morning forcing me to get up and go to work. And I’m still trying to build my business on the side, although it’s starting to feel more and more like a pipedream.
I turned in my notice a loooong time ago and continue to consistently hit my business goals. I now have the freedom and flexibility to travel, spend time with my family, and live the life I’ve always wanted.
If you said A to ANY of these, chances are…
You might be working your butt off trying to make this whole business thing happen, but no matter what you do you can’t seem to crack the “code.”
Maybe you just can’t figure out a profitable business idea...
Or, even if you have, you publish your social media posts and tell people about your offers, all the things you’re “supposed” to do, but still you’re met with crickets...
And your sales calls — when you can even book them — are a complete bust.
It’s rejection after rejection, and you have no idea why.
The ups and downs of this entrepreneurial roller coaster send you into a month-long existential crisis where all you can do is binge watch Netflix, eat every carb in the kitchen, and get lost in your own negative thoughts.
“Am I even cut out for this?”
“What am I missing?”
“Maybe if I just work a little harder…”
Eventually, you pull yourself together again, lick your wounds, and get back on the (business) horse, recharged and ready to pick back up where you left off…
Only to have the same thing happen yet again.
It breaks your heart every time, but you just don’t know what to do differently to break out of this cycle and create the results you want.
"Is this really possible?"
I've been there. In the beginning, I struggled with EVERYTHING...
First, I wasn’t sure I had anything worth sharing or selling. (Imposter syndrome alert!)
Then, once I finally figured out a profitable business idea, I wasn’t comfortable being visible on social media. (In fact, I was so scared of doing a video I put it off for SIX months.)
Not to mention that on the *very* rare chance someone wanted to learn more about hiring me, it ended in rejection. (It hurt! I almost gave up for good when a woman told me she wouldn’t hire me because I looked like I was twelve.)
And the whole time, I kept on wondering if I was wasting my time and if having my own business was really possible. Could I really build a business that could replace the salary I’d worked so long and so hard to get to in my career?
Those alone were tough obstacles. But that wasn’t all...
"Why is this harder for me than for anyone else?"
Because I was building my business on the side, everything seemed a hundred times harder.
First of all, because I was working a full-time job, it felt almost impossible to find time to work on my business.
Plus, I wasn’t even able to make the most of the limited time I had because I was so tired after work! So I’d put off working on my business, telling myself I deserved a break because I’d already worked so hard.
What’s more, I was distracted. I couldn’t stop thinking that maybe I was making a mistake. After all, I had a good job and opportunities to move up. So wouldn’t I be better off focusing on my career, the “sure thing,” instead?
And it wasn’t just me I had to deal with.
Because I already had a good job, no one in my family supported me. My mom would constantly ask, “Why don’t you focus on your career?” and “When are you going to let this pipedream go?”
You’ve probably experienced this too. Seriously, how impossible does it feel to get motivated and feel confident in your dreams when no one around you supports you?
And so a month passed. And then a year. And then two years. And then three.
Here's what I couldn't figure out though...
It wasn’t like I wasn’t hard-working or experienced.
In fact, I was the same Luisa who’d already built a successful corporate career. Plus, at the time I was building a business selling the same thing I was already being paid to do in my job!
So why the heck was building a business so much harder? (Haven’t YOU wondered this too?)
I knew I had to be missing something. So I pored over endless entrepreneurial autobiographies and articles and studied hundreds of hours of video interviews to figure out what successful entrepreneurs knew that I didn’t.
Finally, it clicked.
Let me let you in on the BIG secret I uncovered:
Most of us have been groomed all our lives to be employees. (So you can imagine why society, especially your employer, doesn’t want you to realize it.)
Think about it. You’ve probably been taught to…
Work towards goals that are set for you (like “go to a good school” or “get a good job”) instead of goals YOU want
Play it safe (“A job is how you pay the bills. Entrepreneurship is a pipedream.”)
Be a “cog” in the machine (“There’s no ‘I’ in team!”)
Not disrupt the status quo (“Don’t rock the boat”)
Be compliant (“Word hard and your manager will reward you”)
Be confident, but not TOO confident (“It’s ok to ask for a raise, but asking for too much is just greedy”)
Avoid failure (“Failure is bad. Period. The end.”)
In other words, we’ve been trained to have an “Employee Mindset.”
But that’s literally the exact opposite of what you need to do to succeed as an entrepreneur.
Traditional 9-5s promote you based on your ability to follow directions and fit in, but when you switch from employee to entrepreneur, how fast you grow is as much about your ability to break the mold as it is the actions you take.
As you can see, it’s a completely different skill.
I call it “Entrepreneurial Confidence.”
The 4 shifts to break out of "Employee Mindset" and build your "Entrepreneurial Confidence" (according to world's most successful entrepreneurs):
Oprah Winfrey
Every time you state what you want or believe, you’re the first to hear it. It’s a message to both you and others about what you think is possible. Don’t put a ceiling on yourself.”
– Oprah Winfrey, self-made billionaire
Shift #1:
The first piece of Entrepreneurial Confidence is to get clear on the goals YOU want, not the goals your family, friends, employer, or society wants you to have.
Whether you think you can, or think you can’t — you’re right."
– Henry Ford, Ford Motor Company founder
Henry Ford
Shift #2:
Successful entrepreneurs train themselves to have unwavering confidence in their goals (no matter what the people around them are saying).
Mary Kay Ash
Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.”
– Mary Kay Ash, Mary Kay Cosmetics founder
Shift #3:
Successful entrepreneurs strategically overcome the fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs that might keep them from achieving their goals.
Fearlessness is like a muscle. I know from my own life that the more I exercise it the more natural it becomes to not let my fears run me.”
– Arianna Huffington, president and editor in chief The Huffington Post Media Group
Ariana Huffington
Sara Blakely
If you continue to practice and hone that ability…[entrepreneurial confidence and mindset]'re going to have the first big key component to being an entrepreneur.”
- Sara Blakely, Spanx founder and world’s youngest female self-made billionaire (Forbes 2012)
Shift #4:
Successful entrepreneurs view developing Entrepreneurial Confidence as a skill and make mastering it their top priority.
So how can YOU develop
Entrepreneurial Confidence?
Well, that’s what I set about figuring out next. In the process, I...
Read over 100 books on the subject.
Hired coaches to specifically teach me this skill...
Applied and tested everything I learned...
Nothing changed.
Because the truth is, contrary to popular advice, developing Entrepreneurial Confidence is NOT *just*...
Being optimistic or repeating affirmations (yeah, try repeating "I will make $10,000 in my business in the next 3 months” and see quickly the money shows up. *Not.*)
"Hacks" like…Just be more confident (how do you “be” more confident?)
Meditation…(20 seconds into meditating, I’m either dozing off or worrying about my to-do list)
Woo-woo tips like “trust the Universe.” (What does that even mean? Former engineer here. I need practical advice!)
However, after having realized that without fail, every successful entrepreneur talks about developing Entrepreneurial Confidence (even if they don’t call it that), I knew I couldn’t afford to NOT figure this out. So I continued researching, learning, and testing.
And bit by bit, I figured out a process for making the 4 shifts to master your own Entrepreneurial Confidence.
Once I did, the results blew my mind.
Developing Entrepreneurial Confidence gave me the confidence, discipline, clarity, and motivation I needed to change my life.
And as a result:
I made a $5,000 sale (this number felt CRAZY to me, by the way. You should have seen how far my jaw dropped when I saw the Paypal notification)...even though before that I’d been struggling to get gigs on fiverr for $50.
I went from two years of no results to making 6-figures in 4 months. (Which I still find hard to believe to this day. But that’s the power of developing Entrepreneurial Confidence.)
I went from being too scared to record a single video (remember, I resisted doing this for SIX months) to showing up confidently on live streams and consistently getting clients who said they knew I was the coach for them after watching and listening to me.
Once I saw the initial results, my mind was blown. After I pieced it back together, I doubled down on strengthening my Entrepreneurial Confidence. Which led to even more mind-blowing results...
Being invited to share my message in front of thousands of people at Gary Vee Live…
Speaking in front of 2,000 people. That’s Gary Vaynerchuk clapping for me.
Sharing my advice with Forbes, Business Insider, Inc, and more.
Luisa's Media Features
Building a business that continues to grow and impacts more people than I ever thought possible…
During my last launch, my live streams were viewed by over 22,000 people!
And yes, making more money than I ever dreamed possible.
Part of developing Entrepreneurial Confidence is feeling GOOD — without guilt — about the value you’re sharing with the world. And owning that you absolutely deserve to be paid well for it.
Luisa's Adorable Pupper
Other people buy fancy cars. I bought my dream dog.
Looking back, I can’t believe how much work, time, money, research, and trial-and-error I had to go through to learn this skill. Or to even realize that I needed to develop it in the first place!
I know how close I came to giving up on my dreams because I didn’t have this missing piece of the puzzle. Even though I was hard-working and determined.
And while it’s crazy what a literally life-changing difference this ONE skill can make, you know what’s even crazier?
The fact that we aren’t taught this crucial skill in school, work, or life!
And that’s why I created Mindset Makeover.
Mindset Makeover
Go from frustrated employee to successful, confident entrepreneur by developing the ONE skill that changes everything.
Everything you get as part of Mindset Makeover
Mindset Makeover is a step-by-step online course that gives you everything you need to develop your own Entrepreneurial Confidence:
10x your confidence and build massive, unshakeable trust in yourself, so you can squash those sneaky doubts for good and finally know with certainty that your success isn’t a maybe. It’s an inevitability.
Go from frustrated and afraid to showing up confidently and fully in your business every. single. day. (Without being afraid of looking stupid or not getting responses. Although when you share content from a place of Entrepreneurial Confidence, people are naturally attracted to it and pay attention.
Stop feeling salesy about even hinting at having something to sell and instead start feeling GOOD about making sales because you're owning the value you bring to your clients. (Potential clients will sense this too and WANT to buy from someone who's confident in how they help their clients.)
Outsmart your Employee Mindset so you push out the bad habits, overcome your doubts and fears, and create new beliefs that skyrocket your results faster than you could ever imagine
Reframe rejections and learn how to let “no's” and failures stop bothering you because you finally see them for what they are — an opportunity for you to stop holding yourself back and forge another (better) path forward
You’ll get instant and lifetime access to all the course audios, examples, and exercises, which you’ll be able to listen to right away (including in your car or at the gym). What’s more...
It’s specific. You’ll get exact scripts, exercises, and examples of how I personally used the exercises.
It’s fast. You’ll be able to finish the 7 audio lessons in less than 40 minutes. And the exercises won’t take much longer. It’s truly that simple. (And you’ll start seeing results right away.)
And it’s practical. Former Space Station Engineer here. You won’t find any fluffy “Think and Grow Rich” woo-woo nonsense inside these doors.
I have a psychology degree with an emphasis in neuroscience, so I knew how critical mindset practices would be to my business success. I found the exercises in Mindset Makeover to be exactly what I've needed even though it's a trial of faith at first when it doesn't seem like anything is changing.
The course engages the mind from all learning angles (visual, auditory, reading, and kinesthetic) so it's brilliantly effective even when done for just a few minutes a day. The processes she outlines have truly become a spiritual practice for me to see my limiting beliefs and do the work to literally change my mind, my business and my life.
~ Jessica W.
You might want to take [Mindset Makeover] as soon as it's available to you. It helps you work on fears, doubts, and related blocks through meditation, positive thinking, and mindfulness. It's very practical and EXTREMELY helpful.
Before I do any work for my business, I go over some of the activities that came from [Mindset Makeover] to ensure I'm grounded, focused, and feeling good. And it has really made a difference.
~ Sara L.
I’ve been working so much on my mindset this past few 2 weeks and is like the gates of abundance and opportunity have opened up for me
So here are my wins that I’m static, so proud and thankful to share:
I was able to bring my services to New York Fashion Week
I have a SPA sponsoring my 5 week program
I have 2 events to bring my program to brides
And just 15 min ago I closed my first 3 month coaching program - we agreed on $900 for the 3 months!!
All of this in less than 2 weeks!!!!
~ Mariela A.
Via the 4 modules, you’ll learn the 4 simple shifts to break free from Employee Mindset and build your own Entrepreneurial Confidence:
These aren’t strategies or theories. I’ll share with you the exact exercises and steps I used to personally go from quiet, hard-working introvert to one of the most profitable, sought after teachers in the industry.
Mindset Shift #1:
Get clear on your goals
As soon as you listen to the first module, you’ll start feeling more clear, confident, and excited about your goals.
Plus, you’ll discover the #1 mindset shortcut I used to engineer more sales of my coaching packages and bring in over $10,000 in one month as a new entrepreneur nobody had heard of.
I’ll also show you my top exercise for “tricking” myself into achieving my big, scary financial goals and hitting 6-figures in business — WAY before I ever felt ready.
Mindset Shift #2:
Develop rock-solid confidence in your goals
To hit your goals, you have to truly believe they’re possible. (And no, just telling yourself to believe doesn’t work.)
That’s why in this module you’ll get the proven, smack-’em-down exercise for permanently deleting your doubts and replacing them with new beliefs that bring you confidence, cash, and clients (This will save you years of agonizing and overthinking)
Plus, I’ll also show you the most powerful exercise I’ve found for transforming your relationship with money (so you stop feeling guilty about making sales and start feeling confident and GOOD about charging delicious prices).
Mindset Shift #3:
Quash your negative fears, doubts, beliefs, and blocks
After this module, you’re going to feel like a new person who has finally quieted your fears, doubts, and negative doubts. How?
With Employee Mindset, we have deep-seated, negative beliefs and thoughts that have been drilled into us over decades.
That’s why you’re going to love the powerful “excavation” technique that’ll uncover and eliminate the blocks you don’t even realize are sabotaging your success right now.
Plus, I’ll also show you the tried-and-true “courtroom” exercise for logically attacking, dismantling, and shutting down your biggest negative thoughts and blocks.
Mindset Shift #4:
Consistently get faster and bigger results
Because developing and maintaining Entrepreneurial Confidence is a skill, that means you can also get better and better at it. Which will in turn lead to bigger and faster results.
In this module, I’ll show you how to not only master your Entrepreneurial Confidence for good, but also how to use it to continually hit every new goal you set.
Your friends and family will wonder at your newfound confidence, calmness, and control. You and I will know what caused it.
Because I want to give you everything you need to master your Entrepreneurial Confidence, you’ll also get these exclusive coaching recordings that my private clients paid thousands for.
Seeing real people (who’re just like you) getting coached on their Entrepreneurial Confidence will cinch your understanding and mastery of this skill for yourself…
Coaching Bonus #1:
You’ll want to play this bonus on repeat while you’re working on your business, as it walks you through how to quiet your doubts and create rock-solid confidence so that sales and profit are inevitable. (This is the same coaching I’ve walked clients through to take them from scratch to $30,000+ per month.)
Coaching Bonus #2:
Bonus Coaching Recording #2 was recorded during one of my actual launches and takes you live, behind-the-scenes of how I think to be able to crush every launch I've ever done, even when things seemingly aren’t going well and my goals seemed "impossible."
Coaching Bonus #3:
In Bonus Coaching Recording #3, you’ll see how I coached a client who’d been struggling without results for months and was on the verge of giving up to completely shifting how she was thinking and acting...which shifted her results and led to her making two sales of her premium package
The [Mindset Makeover] training from Luisa was incredibly helpful for reframing my thoughts about money as I was beginning my business.
Don't be fooled by the length of the training! Although it appears to be short, you'll want to take your time going through each of the exercises one-by-one. It really is worth it.
I took pages of notes and the exercises Luisa shares really do help you to reframe your mindset, overcome your mental blocks, and break through to the goals you know in your bones you're capable of. I've even been able to apply these techniques and strategies to goals I have for completely different aspects of my life, beyond my business.
~ Caroline O.
Mindset Makeover is for you if…
You are ready to stop chasing each shiny new tactic or strategy, hoping that it’s the one that’ll finally change things, and are instead ready and open to learning the top skill successful entrepreneurs credit with their success
You know you’re missing something (and it’s not “work harder”) that’s holding you back from having a profitable business
You want to build a business and lifestyle you love, not one where you’re stressed, scared, and unsure
You learn best with tangible steps and exercises that make sense, not cliché advice that makes you raise your eyebrows and wonder if it’ll really work
Join Mindset Makeover and get...
Instant and lifetime access to the entire course. You can finish this course in one sitting or break it out based on your schedule. Whenever you need a refresher, revisit the course anytime. Want to break through to a new income level? Feeling unmotivated? A bit discouraged because of a new challenge? The examples and exercises you need will be here for you.
7 to-the-point audios with transcripts. You can listen to the audios at the gym or read the transcripts during your commute. Whichever, wherever, and whenever you prefer.
20+ tactical, simple exercises. You’ll know exactly what you need to do to develop your Entrepreneurial Confidence. It’s as simple as following the exercises step-by-step.
“What I Did” breakdowns and examples. You’ll be able to see how I applied the exercises to shift my own mindset, including specific details about my money blocks, my imposter syndrome, my lack of confidence...and how I transformed each fear, doubt, and obstacle through developing my own Entrepreneurial Confidence.
3 bonus Breakthrough Coaching videos. Imagine that I’m on a video call with you, coaching you personally. Normally, that would cost you $18,000+. However, because I want to give you everything you need to succeed, I’m gifting you three very powerful coaching recordings that helped my clients make massive shifts in their Entrepreneurial Confidence (and as a result make thousands of dollars more).
What’s more…
The truth is, what you get in Mindset Makeover goes way deeper than *just* what you see in the course. Because the course itself is the result of...
3,000+ hours of research and testing
$100,000+ spent on various mentors to help me piece together this skill specifically (NOT business coaching or anything else. I’m talking about dedicated coaching to learn how to develop Entrepreneurial Confidence)
1,000+ students and clients coached over the years while refining this process (so I know how to teach it in a way that works)
Not to mention that up until now, I've only shared this information with my private coaching clients, who paid $18,000+ for access to this information.
That’s the cost of figuring this out on your own. But why would you put yourself through that? Successful entrepreneurs learn from those who’ve done what they want to do to get the “shortcut” to their own success.
And that’s exactly what I’ve created for you inside Mindset Makeover.
Want the shortcut?
Click the button below to be taken to the secure order form. Upon completion of the order form, you’ll get an email with your log-in information and instant access to all of the course content and bonuses.
Mindset Makeover
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All sales are final. Here’s why I purposefully decided to not offer a “Risk-Free Refund Policy” for this course:
Inside this course, I share highly intimate details about my own journey developing my own Entrepreneurial Confidence. This program is a personal and powerful work of love that I created for those who are truly serious about developing the skills you need to become a successful entrepreneur. And frankly, if you’re not serious about investing in yourself and this course, I’m not going to share those powerful, personal moments with you.
If you are serious, here’s what you need to know: You get instant access to the entire program and if you follow the steps, you’ll start seeing shifts almost immediately. This course is like a college class — the content is proven (and in this case, it’s been proven both with myself and with 1,000+ students I’ve helped develop this skill). All you have to do is actually use it.
Part of developing Entrepreneurial Confidence is trusting in yourself and the decisions you make.
Successful entrepreneurs ask themselves, “How am I going to make this work?” not “Will this work for me?”
So if you’re done with not seeing the results you want because you’re doing it the Employee Mindset way, then it’s time to step into the successful entrepreneur version of yourself and master your Entrepreneurial Confidence.
Mindset Makeover has been very helpful and I’ve gone back into it a few times because I had no idea when I started this journey how crucial mindset really was.
Once I started to grasp the idea, not only has focusing on my mindset changed how I approach business, but it has changed my daily habits. I workout daily, eat better, wake up before the sun, and the list goes on. I’m literally a better than I was before!
People seem to notice some sort of sparkle in me, they ask me questions, and it gives me a great opportunity to share my expertise with them as a coach.
~ Christa B.
And I have to say I've had the weirdest physical symptoms come and go which was an eye opening experience for me that clearly showed me that I needed to release some of these blocks. I'm so grateful to Luisa for showing me the way to create the right mindset!
~ Kevin T.
The introduction module made me reflect on why I am in my current financial situation and the beliefs about money that have influenced me at a subconscious level. Other self-development work taught me how important inner work is to unlocking personal challenges. Being from a financially comfortable family and having earned a six-figure salary over the past few years, however, I was not expecting to encounter major financial blocks.
I realized through the exercises that three main beliefs have undermined my ability to achieve financial freedom.
As I went through the exercises, I also realized that basically every attempt I have made to sell something or negotiate a fee/salary has been a painful, uncomfortable, and frustrating process. I was surprised when I realized how averse I am to confrontation and discomfort over financial negotiations because I am fairly comfortable with confrontation and difficult conversations in most other aspects of life.
All these beliefs have built up over time in ways that provoke shame and anxiety about the fact that I am not where I want to be financially. I was surprised how intense of a reaction I felt.
The new beliefs that I wrote down while working through the intro module are part of a new paradigm I am hoping to “install” in my brain in which making money is a fun, independent activity that I can succeed at through practice.
~ Pratik C.
Jiwoon M.
And I have to say I've had the weirdest physical symptoms come and go which was an eye opening experience for me that clearly showed me that I needed to release some of these blocks. I'm so grateful to Luisa for showing me the way to create the right mindset!
~ Jiwoon M.
After a deep discussion with my husband, I found out that it was all fears, and detoured to complete the Mindset Makeover modules. I started doing the MM modules and see such a difference in confidence levels already.
~ Quynh L.
A Final Note from Luisa…
I’ve seen too many smart, successful people fail to achieve their dreams.
Not because they didn’t work hard enough. Or because they didn’t want it enough. Or because they didn’t have something worth sharing with the world. (I truly believe that every single person, and that includes you!, has something special and unique to share.)
The only reason they stayed stuck while others (who maybe even weren’t as hard working, determined, or motivated) successfully claimed the life they wanted? Was because they hadn’t developed this one skill.
I remember the heartbreak I went through, wondering…“What’s wrong with me?”
And I remember how embarrassed I felt about not making faster progress.
I kept on thinking if I just worked harder, or smarter, or was more special, maybe I’d finally be able to build the business I desperately wanted to share with the world.
Turns out, it wasn’t any of those things.
The truth is, some people will read this and decide to continue doing it their way. Even though it isn’t working.
Because it’s what they know and are comfortable with.
Developing your Entrepreneurial Confidence is like learning any skill. In the beginning, it can feel a little scary, a lot unsure. But once you learn it, the results are so rewarding.
I purposefully made the investment for this course a relative no-brainer for the results you’ll get.
Because a few months from now, I want you to be emailing me about how much your life has changed after you developed this one key skill.
Here’s what I’ll leave you with…
As Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is doing the same things over and expecting different results.”
If you’re still reading this, things are most likely not going the way you want.
Are you going to keep on doing more of the same things that aren’t working?
Or are you willing to step into your successful entrepreneurial self and get the help you need?
~ Luisa
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