Personal Brand Power by Marisa Murgatroyd from Evercoach

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Personal Brand Power by Marisa Murgatroyd from Evercoach Discount

Finally: An authentic way to stand out above the noise and become visible online...
After 2,000 Consultations And Millions in Revenue Generated, Master Branding Coach Marisa Murgatroyd Finally Shows How You Too Can Create A Recognizable, Evident, Clear and Uncompromised Personal Brand
Whether you’re a coach, speaker, author or expert, YOU are your most valuable asset! In Personal Brand Power you’ll learn how to translate the essence of you into a magnetic, authentic and powerful personal brand that stands out from all the others and attracts your ideal tribe

Has this ever happened to you?...

You’re browsing the internet, skimming through your Facebook feed and then all of a sudden, it happens….

You stumble across someone special. Different. Unique.

Someone that resonates with you on a deep, core level.

And someone you feel an instant connection with.

Say this person’s name is Sean.

You watch 30 seconds of Sean’s video or read into one of his blog posts and it instantly makes you go:

“Wow! I LOVE THAT GUY! Where can I get MORE!?”

Now chances are Sean wasn’t exactly sharing the key to world peace. Or the cure to cancer. Or some other completely new idea that enlightened you on the spot...

So what was it then, that created this instant connection and trust?

What was it that stood out, caught your attention and made you want more?

What was the secret ingredient that had you “fall in love” with this person - right at the first click?

I’ll spill the beans on the secret ingredient in just a second, so keep reading.

But first you need to hear what it was NOT:

It was NOT the fact that Sean had the best, most innovative content. (Which doesn’t mean that his content wasn’t GREAT, mind you!)

It was NOT his awesome presentation skills or his incredible writing.

...And it was NOT the fact that he is just luckier, more gifted or more talented than everybody else out there (no offense, Sean!).

So WHAT was it then, that made you click - both literally and metaphorically speaking?

What IS Sean’s real secret?

The code that Sean (and every other successful and thriving entrepreneur out there) has cracked is this:

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The power of creating a personal brand that’s 100% in alignment with YOU

But let’s start at the beginning…

See, the market for coaches, speakers and experts like us (and yes, this is just as true for me as it is for you!) has dramatically shifted. There’s:

More noise.

More content.

More “experts” out there than ever before.

(And the numbers are rising on a daily!)

So it’s simply not enough anymore to just create a “niche”. To just put great content out there. And to just offer your brilliant services to the world. Because...

If you want to be truly successful and thrive in the online world (without having to sacrifice who you are or pretend to be someone you’re not), then you need to understand how to build a powerful personal brand.

And I’m not just talking about your logo...

I’m talking about what you stand for in this world.

What you choose to represent and believe in.

Your values, your gifts and the stories you have to share.

In short: Everything that makes you YOU.
You don’t want to be the next 5-step formula. The next unopened email. Or the next unwatched video that rots somewhere in a dark corner of the internet. (Sounds pretty dramatic, I know… But this is the sad truth for MOST coaches out there…. So let’s make sure it’s not yours!)
Standing out from the masses, getting your message heard and claiming your place in the spotlight doesn’t have to be a battle at all….

And just because it is for most coaches and experts, doesn’t mean it has to be for YOU.

So let’s ask a better question:

How can you step up and SHINE?

How can you make people go “I love that guy/girl! - Where can I get MORE”? (Just like you did with Sean.)

How can you get your message heard, stop being invisible and finally attract your passionate tribe?

And most importantly:

How can you be a leader to your tribe and translate the essence of who you are into your business - and everything you put out into the world?

THAT is truly the Million Dollar Question.

Because look… You can be the best person in the world at what you do, but if nobody knows about it...

You haven’t impacted anyone’s life.

You haven’t served the people who need you the most.

And you’re basically leaving your unlimited potential on the table….
So here’s what a personal brand is really about:
It’s not about what you’re doing. It’s about who you’re showing up as in the world.

The truth is, we live in a world where those who know how to package and market themselves get all the attention, recognition and money.

And that, my friend, is called Personal Brand Power… and it can make you or break you as a coach.

Those experts who master it are rewarded beyond their wildest dreams, while those who don’t fall behind and are simply forgotten - regardless of their valuable gifts and talents.

Now while that might sound discouraging, here is the good news for you:

You already have what it takes! You are already unique, special, different and important in your very own way.

And the only thing that’s missing in your equation?

Is guidance, wisdom and a system from a professional who shows you step by step how it’s done…. Which is exactly what you’ll get in Personal Brand Power!

We’re way beyond the point in time where people only buy information or products or services.

People buy based on who you are.

People buy based on the stories you have to tell.

And people buy based on who they want to become… which is mirrored by who YOU are showing up as in this world.

And the person who taught me about translating your essence into a - literally - OUTSTANDING brand is the same person I brought on to share her powerful wisdom in the Personal Brand Power training with you:
Author Profile
About Marisa Murgatroyd

Marisa Murgatroyd is the founder of Live Your Message and a personal branding expert with an extensive track record of building incredible personal brands that help coaches like you to stand out, become visible and attract a passionate tribe.

For the last four years, she’s been providing branding solutions for 6, 7, and even 8-figure entrepreneurs. Marisa has successfully built, branded and grown her online business from zero to over $1.5M in less than 5 years, while building an amazing tribe of world changing superheroes.

Over the years, she’s watched so many talented and worthy people fail because they didn’t properly brand themselves. It’s a sad, frustrating thing to watch… and it’s absolutely unnecessary.
And, in Personal Brand Power, she’s making her in-depth knowledge about the power of personal branding available to you so that you can achieve superhero status in your field and create a powerful personal brand that’s 100% in alignment with who you are.

As Seen On:

What You’ll Learn
6 Key Transformations You’ll Achieve When You Join Personal Brand Power
01 Call in your passionate tribe

Your job is not to attract everyone and their moms who need to buy what you have to sell. Your job is to attract the people who share your beliefs and values, and who are inspired by WHO YOU ARE. If you want to be a leader, if you want to step up and shine, then the most important thing for you is to build your tribe. But with the strategies and guidance from Personal Brand Power you won’t even have to “build” it.... You’ll magnetically attract your ideal clients and loyal fans for life - simply by showing them who you are.
02 Get your unique message heard

You don’t have to have never-before-released content to get noticed and heard online…. You simply need to give yourself permission to share your unique message YOUR way. To get vulnerable and speak your authentic truth. And while that might sound out of your comfort zone now, Marisa will lovingly guide you towards finding the confidence to get your unique message out there… So that it’s heard and recognized by the people it resonates with the most.
03 Stand out from the rest

How can you find a white marbel in a pot with 10,000 white marbels? Obviously: You can’t! Which is why in Personal Brand Power you’ll learn exatly how to let YOUR unique colors shine bright. And use them efficiently so that you can differentiate yourself from the gazillion other coaches, speakers, teachers and experts out there…. and finally claim the attention and recognition you deserve.
04 Create deeper connection and trust

If you want others to open up to you, you need to be open yourself. You need to show your tribe who you really are. And that’s what creates an instant bond! People don’t want to buy from big, faceless corporations. People want to buy from real, raw and relatable human beings like you. So when you decide to open up and share your essence with the world, the world will respond with trust, love and connection. And that’s exactly what Personal Brand Power is all about.
05 Become the go-to authority

Creating a powerful personal brand will not only allow you to call in your tribe and stand out from the crowd… it’ll also allow you to become a well-respected and sought-after authority in your field. You’ll achieve much deeper levels of connection with your audience, you’ll build real, sustainable relationships and that is the one thing that keeps people coming back for MORE.
06 Grow your income and impact

More visiblity does not just mean more Periscope hearts or Facebook likes. It means that you’re actively impacting more people. You’re transforming more and more lives. And as a natural result you’ll exponentially grow your income as well. Whether you enrol more premium clients or raise your prices because you’re in much higher demand (or both), one thing is for certiain: When you implement the Personal Brand Power system, your levels of abundance will increase at the same time
Course Information
Your Personal Brand Power journey at a glance

Here’s an overview of what exactly you’ll learn in each module when you join us for Personal Brand Power:


Your Personal Brand Blueprint

In session one, you’ll begin to discover your personal brand - that unique light inside of you that will allow you to impact the lives of thousands if not millions of people just by being who you are.

Learn about the #1 trap people who are insanely good at what they do often fall into when it comes to personal branding… and how to avoid it!
Discover the very same secret of amplification used by superstars like Oprah, Tony Robbins, and Richard Branson - which allows you to accentuate and amplify the best of who you are and attract fans like a magnet.
How to create a great ambience and choose suitable music for all different workshop scenarios
Master the formula for uncovering your Superpower: The one unique and amazing quality that you and only you possess - and the one that will set you apart from everyone else in your market.


The Secret Life of Your Personal Brand

In Session two, you’ll dig down deep into the secret life of your personal brand blueprint: The unique attributes that make you who you are and attract all the right people to connect and fall in love with you.

You’ll learn to decipher the tiny (but vitally important) signals that cause your prospects to form an opinion about you - and use them to instantly capture their hearts and minds.
Discover one simple but powerful exercise that will enable you to become laser-focused and strategic about how you project yourself to your prospects
Harness the power of the WHY and learn the reason why it’s the cornerstone of your personal branding success.


Finding Your Personal Brand Voice

Session 3 is all about tapping into the unique “voice” that underlies everything you communicate to the world - and affects how your prospects react to you.

You’ll learn to take all the unique qualities that make you who you are - and use them to create a distinct personal brand voice that your fans will recognize from a mile away.
Learn to discover your signature words – and how to determine which ones will work like magic to bring you all the fans and customers you can handle.
Harness the power of your values and beliefs to craft your superhero story, your bio - and the mottos, slogans and phrases you use to communicate with the world.


Creating Your Personal Brand Capital

Session four is all about using that newly discovered voice of yours to express who you are the right way and skyrocket your perceived value in your marketplace.

Finally - uncover the real truth about “being everywhere.” (hint: you need to know exactly the right places to focus your efforts or you’ll wear yourself too thin!)
Learn to capitalize on the scant 3-7 seconds your average visitor gives you to convince them whether they should either stick around — or click away and never come back.
Master the art of visual branding by sending the right visual signals using 3 incredibly potent elements that look like you, feel like you and get noticed for all the right reasons.
Use Marisa’s personal (and unshared until now) tactics for using the busy, noisy venues of social media & email in a way that reinforces your personal brand to your target audience - and allows you to stand out above all the noise
Follow the proven blueprint to package up all that brilliance of yours into a signature book, product, or training.


Welcome to the Brand of We

Session five focuses on building a brand of “we” by bringing more of the right people into your network - and pulling your existing customers even closer to your brand.

Learn the secrets of bringing new people into your world - and expertly nurturing those who have already embraced your brand.
Cash in on Marisa’s off-the-radar strategies to keep your tribe super engaged and build a deeper level of community -- not just between you and your audience, but also with each other.
Discover how to earn more money and create deeper client relationships without having to constantly enrol more.
Acquire the skills to act as your own personal brand ambassador every moment of every day to build deep and lucrative customer relationships with your existing customers to ensure they come back to you again and again.

Plus You’ll Get These Bonuses:
To make sure you get the most out of Personal Brand Power, we’ve added these exclusive bonuses for you:


60 Minute Workshop with Marisa Murgatroyd on How To Bring Your Brand to Life

So that you can put yourself out into the world and share your powerful message. In this workshop, Marisa will walk you through all the steps you need to take to fully bring your brand to life and put it out into the world - including case studies, real-life examples and actionable insights that you can put into practice right away. You’ll even see Marisa working live with other coaches and student at Evercoach Summit 2016, showing you exactly how to tweak and enhance your brand to make it more prominent and unique.


Access to Marisa’s personal Brand Tools And Resources

Access to Marisa’s personal Brand Tools And Resources Vault to help you find the best resources in design, service and technology to get into action mode right away and don’t get stuck with the implementation of the knowledge

As Seen On:

What Students Say
Here’s What Clients Say About Marisa
“I’ve learned to be more present in my brand...”

"I’ve learned that I need to be more present in my brand. Meaning, ME. I’ve thought of this business – dreamt up almost exactly a decade ago as I type this – as a THING that no one would care about. Much less be interested in what I had to say.

I’ve tried four different web design companies at this point. Eating up more than two years and the last dribbles of savings. I feel that I’ve tried everything BUT letting my brand reflect more of me. I am now bringing more of ME into the website. And it feels great."

Testimonial By Mary Ann Einarson – Mindvalley Academy

Mary Ann Einarson

Change Of Art Frames
“I TRUST more than ever who I am”

"Wow! This is a HUGE shift! I TRUST more than ever who I am and my natural personal and professional abilities to be the perfect foundation to build a successful business. My most important inner shift is the certainty that I am indeed creating a “successful business” that is at the same time “personally rewarding, financially sound, and a great service to the world.”

Having been for many years deeply committed to my spiritual path and the values of “awakening consciousness and inner transformation”, the words “business, finances and success” were NOT at all my keywords! Now they are! How good is that?"

Testimonial By Dr. Amore– Mindvalley Academy

Dr. Amore

Sex Coach
“I have gotten noticed by other personal development gurus”

Marisa goes DEEP in helping you understand the psychology behind WHY you need to do what you need to do to market your business and stand out as the leader. Her programs have reinforced that it’s at the “edges” that others notice you and I am not afraid to be “edgy.” I use to sound like every other life/health coach and now I get noticed because I’m being BOLD and edgy with who I am and what I have to offer.

I have gotten noticed by other personal development gurus - because of my story and because of my brand. People email me to say how powerful they think my website is. My following is growing fast because of my message."

Testimonial By Emily Filloramo – Mindvalley Academy

Emily Filloramo

Success and Joy Now
Now… Who are you going to show up as in this world?

Are you going to choose “hiding”, playing small and staying in the dark with your message? Or are you going to make a commitment to SHINE? To show up every day and express who you truly are? To call in your passionate tribe by leading with authenticity? And to take your unique essence and use it to establish connection, trust and heart-based relationships with your ideal clients?

As always in life, you have a choice.

And if you choose option 2 - the one where you become visible, heard and recognized above all the noise - then joining Personal Brand Power will be one of the best decisions you’ve ever made. Because hiring a sought-after personal branding expert like Marisa will easily cost you $3,000 or more. And I can’t even begin to imagine the amounts of money it would cost you NOT to invest in creating a powerful personal brand. (But believe me, it is a BIG one)....

But Personal Brand Power won’t cost you thousands of Dollars. In fact, it won’t even cost you $1,000!

My mission is to help you truly thrive as a coach, so that you can be seen as an expert and reap all the (financial, personal and emotional) rewards that come with it. Which is why I’m making this training as available to you as I can: you can join us for Personal Brand Power now and say yes to magnifying your impact in this world for just a small $495.
The Mindvalley Advantage

As head of Mindvalley’s Customer Support, it’s my goal to ensure you get the best experience with this program. We consistently rank among the top 2% of all American companies using NiceReply. You can always reach me and my team directly at [email protected]. On top of that, enjoy peace of mind with Mindvalley Academy’s triple satisfaction guarantee listed below:

Advantage 1 You are about to be blown away by the sheer quality and attention to detail of every exercise, session and meditation in this program.
Advantage 2 Your growth is our biggest passion. This program and everything else we do is designed to get you the results you deserve.
Advantage 3 If for any unlikely reason this training doesn’t live up to any of these promises email us and you will be refunded 100% of your investment up to 30 days from your date of purchase.

Kristi Anier
Customer Happiness Team Lead

Stand Out, Step Into the Spotlight And Get Visible Now

If you’re tired of doing valuable work that nobody even knows about…

If you’re fed up with being a brilliant coach but seemingly invisible to your ideal tribe…

And you’re ready to finally step out of obscurity and leap into the spotlight where you truly belong…

Then making the commitment to nailing your personal brand and joining us for Personal Brand Power should be a no-brainer for you.

But let’s be honest….

I bet my money that you’ve heard this before….

That I’m not the first person telling you about the importance of a powerful personal brand.

And if you feel it in your gut that this is true...

If something inside of you tells you that joining this program will create a big shift in your business….

Then I firmly believe that you landed on this page for a reason. So don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers only to become a painful regret.

And instead, say yes to your own growth today!


By making a commitment to be yourself and fully express who you are.

By giving yourself permission to share your truth, your message, your story.

And by making the decision to take your unique essence and put it into an authentic, powerful and irresistible personal brand.

Yes? Then join Personal Brand Power now!

Click the ‘Add to Cart’ Button Now And Experience This Instantly
As a Reminder, Here’s What You Get When You Join Personal Brand Power:

The full Personal Brand Power system including all of Marisa’s strategies and blueprints that generated millions of Dollars over the last 4 years
Easy-to-digest video lessons that walk you through the formula step by step so that you can learn at your own pace and follow through
Actionable PDF-Workbooks that help you to implement right away and get the most out of the program - for each Module
Brand Showcase - case studies of personal brand icons that will inspire you to see what’s possible for yourself when you step forward as the face and voice of your brand

Bonus #1 - Marisa’s entire presentation on How To Bring Your Brand to Life from the live Evercoach Summit
Bonus #2 - Marisa’s personal Brand Tools And Resources Vault to help you find the best resources in design, service and technology to get into action mode right away

Payment Plan Option

Flexible payment option for you to get access to the program risk-free

($179 billed monthly for 3 months for a total of $537)

$495 $179
Single Payment Option

Get instant access with one payment


For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

*EU VAT charges will apply to EU billing addresses.

Warning - Personal Brand Power is Not
For Everyone...

This program isn’t for you if your business’ competitive advantage is selling at the lowest possible price.

It’s not for you if you’re just looking for another marketing tactic that promises to make you a lot of cash, fast.

And it’s definitely not for you if you’re not willing to show up as the real, raw and sometimes even vulnerable version of yourself - and take that step out of your comfort zone.

Personal Brand Power has been created for coaches, speakers, teachers and experts with a big, high-value message for the world who want to learn how to get it out there in a bigger way to change more lives.

If that sounds like you, then I can’t wait to have you in the program. I want you to be a part of this incredible journey that I guarantee will transform the way you market yourself and communicate and connect with your ideal tribe…


What Else Students Say
“Gave me the confidence to put myself, my business and my vision out there”

"I am in transition from a successful career in finance to setting up my own business so Personal Brand Power came at exactly the right time for me. This is a really transformational, exciting but also scary time for me. I am also a single mom with 3 little girls and I have a lot of fears around giving up my financial security.

Personal Power Program really brought home for me that I am my business and that what makes me unique is what's going to make my business successful. It was very powerful for me to go through the interactive exercises and really reflect on what makes me special and stand out. It boosted my confidence and made me realize that I should just go and put myself out there in front of all these finance managers who feel like they are wasting their lives away in uninspiring jobs. I know I can show them that it doesn't have to be that way. They can turn their career and their lives around and bring the joy and fun back into their lives.

I am on a mission now to generate that ripple effect to bring fun, cooperation and above all inspiration to workplaces all around the work. Disengagement at work no more!

I was really struggling with feeling with feeling inadequate and incompetent in my role as entrepreneur and was too much focused on gathering knowledge and not enough on putting myself out there in public. Personal Brand Power gave me the confidence to put myself, my business and my vision out there without holding back. I am now ready to launch and be unstoppable.

I feel liberated through the Personal Brand power program."

Testimonial By Anna Herremans – Mindvalley Academy

Anna Herremans

Financial Business Consultant
“Marisa is the Einstein of message marketing and personal branding”

I absolutely love what Marisa does. She is the Einstein of message marketing and personal branding. She makes this process so easy to get and implement!"

Testimonial By Margherita Crystal – Mindvalley Academy

Margherita Crystal Lotus

Intuitive Life & Business Mentor
"I have found clarity”

"I have become better at not selling myself short and fully giving away what I have worked on and spent thousands of dollars on over the last 10 years. I have found clarity on the messages I was sending out to the world about my work and my self. I am now ready to get paid exceptionally well for what I have to offer."

Testimonial By Heather Eschuk– Mindvalley Academy

Heather Eschuk

Lifestyle Educator, Yoga and Meditation Adventurist
Frequently Asked Questions

Click the ‘Add to Cart’ Button Now And Experience This Instantly

As a Reminder, Here’s What You Get When You Join Personal Brand Power:

The full Personal Brand Power system including all of Marisa’s strategies and blueprints that generated millions of Dollars over the last 4 years
Easy-to-digest video lessons that walk you through the formula step by step so that you can learn at your own pace and follow through
Actionable PDF-Workbooks that help you to implement right away and get the most out of the program - for each Module
Brand Showcase - case studies of personal brand icons that will inspire you to see what’s possible for yourself when you step forward as the face and voice of your brand

Bonus #1 - Marisa’s entire presentation on How To Bring Your Brand to Life from the live Evercoach Summit
Bonus #2 - Marisa’s personal Brand Tools And Resources Vault to help you find the best resources in design, service and technology to get into action mode right away

Old Price: $39.90

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