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"I made my money back within 36 hours and was able to get a client, a really great client, that we got some good results for." - Rory Stern,
Agency Owner: Do you have a secret fear of losing a client?
"My ad agency was on the razor’s edge, and losing a single client would have me on the brink of bankruptcy"
"But I made 60k the first time I used this 'S3 Method,' and my life was changed... forever."
Do you feel like your agency's financial health is on a slippery slope?
Are you under constant stress? The prospect of losing just one client would cause all kinds of alarm bells to go off?
I get it, I was in that exact situation… All. Day. Long. Until I was introduced to the S3 Method by a mentor, and now good friend… let’s call him Mr. X.
The S3 method rescued me from near bankruptcy, and has changed everything. I’ve been having 6 figure months like clockwork, ever since.
Right around 2014, I was much less known back then. My name, ‘Justin Brooke’ alone, was no client magnet… at all.
If I lost a client, man... I felt it! I’d be left with just enough money to run my business and pay the bills.
And not a penny more.
IM Scalable, my old agency, needed to quickly find a “replacement” client or things would go south, fast.
And even if we were lucky enough to get a referral and replace the lost client... the whole "scrambling for clients" situation was bound to happen again.
Getting that one client didn't really solve our REAL issue... it just bought us some time.
Still, I couldn't sleep on retainer renewal days until I saw all the payments had come through.
Because the REAL problem was, we had no wait list of affluent clients.
We had no means to set up and dial in a webinar... no money to hire a good salesperson... and absolutely no time to spend on strategy sessions with unqualified prospects.
We were up to our knees in client work, even with a few clients.
I found myself forced to figure out a way to bring in clients with what I had: half an hour a day after waking up, before my first client call in the morning... and my social media account with a few business connections.
That’s where Mr. X’s method came into play. I could literally divide my life in 2 different eras: BS3 and AS3 (before S3 and after S3).
Before S3, I had a big identity crisis with...
High-Pressure Sales Tactics:
How To Feel Miserable Every Day Of Your Life
As you may know, an agency sales cycle can easily take between 3 to 6 months before it comes into fruition.
But the worst part is the follow up. The constant chasing of the prospects.
I hated the feeling of people constantly saying “no” to my face. And I hated even more having to call or email a prospect for the 7th time within the month, to get them to convert.
“Have you read the proposal (I slaved over the weekend to deliver because you said it was urgent) yet?”
I still feel it in my stomach when I think about it today
And if on the off chance they didn't ignore me and now wanted to jump on a "quick call"... I got the cold sweats.
As you probably know by now, I hate any type of high pressure selling method. I hate to be breathing down my clients' necks.
And I know they hate it too.
I despised sales. Resented it.
Until Mr. X came along and taught me...
How To Turn ‘Water Into Wine’:
The Miraculous Simple Sales Process
Most people assume sales systems have to be hard. Complicated.
It's "common knowledge" you must hustle, chase after clients and aggressively persuade them into buying from you.
But that's just WRONG.
Take a look at Fortune 500 companies, for example. Those guys have huge sales teams, and they deal with constant turnover. Do you really think they have the time to train every single salesperson into an entangled, tortuous sales process?
Nope. They run it simple. To the point.
That’s exactly what Mr. X taught me. He came up with a system which not only is so simple that you can pick it up within a few hours… But it’s also a breeze to execute.
In fact, he says that “If you can’t put your offer into a notepad file or a handwritten letter, give it to the right person and have them say I WANT THAT, then no amount of song and dance will help you.”
And I couldn’t agree with him more.
Especially in the agency world…
What we sell isn’t some abstract, arcane knowledge.
Prospects don’t need to climb a 1,000-step sales funnel before they can grasp the value of media buying.
We’re selling TRAFFIC to businesses who DEPEND ON DAILY TRAFFIC TO SURVIVE.
The right clients know they need us.
We just have to find a way to get in front of them and make an offer they can’t refuse.
Mr X and his students, including me, have used S3 to sell $1,000… $5,000… all the way up to $40,000 services, consultancy or products. I’m pretty sure you could go even higher ticket than that.
But the true magic in this process is it lures the best clients. It makes them raise their hands and show they’re interested in what you have to offer.
You become the “chooser,” instead of the “beggar.”
And when you get clients to chase you instead, you become a “sensation.” Someone people look up to. You get more recommendations… and attract bigger clients, who pay more.
You build your affluent client waitlist and quit the feast or famine cycle.
Before S3, I was so busy servicing my clients, I ended up forgetting about sales. Once I lost a client or finished the work with them, I was scrambling again… because I'd stopped prospecting. This vicious cycle repeated and repeated.
Never again.
Sounds far fetched? I can understand. It took me a while to believe it could be this straight forward.
Let me prove it to you with...
My Experience With the S3 Method:
How I Landed My Dream Clients
Once I met Mr. X and decided to take up his offer, everything changed. The fogginess on my sales process went *poof*.
As I told you, I wasn’t nearly the “big name” I am today. And my margins were thin, so I was always worried when the next client would fire me.
Cause, let’s face it... that’s just how the agency business is. You eventually lose clients for no good reason.
But I learned the S3 Method and took it to heart. I applied it to a tee. The first time I ever did it… I sold $60,000+ within a week.
Best of all, these were all consulting deals. So I didn’t even have to set up the campaigns. I could just show them how to do it themselves.
I knew, right then, that I’d never “go hungry” again.
This method eventually led me to land some of my Dream Clients:
Dan Kennedy
Ed O'Keefe
Russell Brunson
John Assaraff
Ryan Deiss
Several divisions of Agora… name a few.
This method has been responsible for my biggest day… biggest month… and biggest year, ever.
Mr X. has been teaching this system for years, and has a group of about 100 students just like me.
Combined, we’ve made tens of millions with this system.
I myself have had several six figure months since mastering his method… along with a couple six figure days.
Sounds crazy, I know, but on two different occasions, I had a Facebook post generate me $100,000 days. I’ll tell you more about this shortly.
The S3 Method is the answer to the question…
“How can I streamline my sales process?"
At times, new agency guys can just swoop in and get to work with some of the best clients… often within weeks.
While others are overthinking, overcomplicating everything and overworking themselves. They spend months on their funnels before they ever reach a client.
Tell me… have you tried any of these methods before?
Cold emailing or cold calling: That method has little leverage and is based on high pressure tactics, which lead to resentment from both sides
Automated webinar funnel: Those take way too long to set up, cost a fortune and there’s no guarantee they’ll even work.
Hiring a boiler room worth of slick sales guys: We need something less expensive, which doesn’t make our business prone to lawsuits!
Writing lengthy blog posts, articles and books or attending all the events: Those are complicated and take a loooong time before they can yield results… if they ever do.
Paid ads: Paid ads are great, but you can’t ride a dead horse. You need to hit the nail on the head with the right offer, before you can profitably resort to paid ads (and yes, I’m aware of the irony right now!)
The intelligent solution is to have a proven offer strategy.
The secret behind the success of the S3 Method is best explained by Jim Rohn's quote:
“1. Find something good to say.
2. Say it well.
3. Say it often.”
Most agency owners who can’t get clients skip step 1.
There’s NOT a single funnel, copywriting secret or paid ads hack going to save them.
As long as they’re missing STEP 1, they’ll sound like everyone else… and their efforts go to waste.
Once they discover how to connect their message with their dream clients?
Watch out!
Leads and clients rush in so fast it’ll make your head spin.
That Doesn’t Mean You Have To Be A Copywriter...
The beauty of this method is S3 doesn’t rely on world class copywriting. It’s about offering insight into your prospects’ present pain.
Each message is designed to swoop up a portion of your audience… and the whole system is rigged to make them single themselves out. To get them to chase after you.
One by one.
You just gotta figure out the right thing to say in simple, everyday English. (S3 will teach you how).
If it resonates, BOOM. You’re in.
If it doesn’t, you just go back to the drawing board, and have a new message up the same day.
It won’t even cost you anything to run these tests.
And Mr X designed the system to be foolproof and work with simple, 6th grade level English.
Sounds good?
If the idea of becoming sought after and ditching all those complicated, costly methods of (not) getting clients appeals to you…
This might be the best offer you’ll hear this entire year.
But before that, let me tell you…
Why Now is The Best Time To Get the S3 Method
I’ve been quietly using this method for quite a few years, now.
And finally, after a looong negotiation with Mr X, he caved and allowed me to license it, so I could present this to you.
I couldn’t be more thrilled...But now, I gotta make him proud!
So, I’m gonna do everything in my power to make sure the first batch of students really knocks it out of the park.
That’s why I’m personally going to be helping you and the other 99 people who take the 100 spots we’re opening to this program.
I’m making it my mission for these first 100 people to make at least $1,000,000 in sales within the first 90 days.
I’ll be your ring-side coach. I’ll be there for you, guiding you through it, to ensure S3 hits it out of the ballpark, for you.
I’ll personally help you create your first S3 campaign. And second, third…
After we give it a go, you’ll run a quick test to see how it does. We’ll be able to tell within an hour.
And if you’re not being hit left and right with messages from affluent clients?
We will go back to the drawing board, and craft a brand new message. Usually, on the same day.
It might take us a few days. Maybe a few weeks, if we take it REAL slow. But we'll nail it.
I’m giving my sweat and blood to these first few lucky ones.
I’m gonna be giving away a lot of my own time.
This is the reason why I can only open 100 spots. I’m totally committed to holding your hand, and guiding you through.
I want you to absolutely kill it. I want to make it HARD TO FAIL.
And once these 90 days are over, I’m gonna be overflowing with success stories, and this product is gonna sell itself.
I’m going to give it all I got… so, it’s very much likely I’ll never offer this kind of personal hand-holding... ever again.
If you want to have myself coaching you through the whole process, aiming to get you 3 to 9 clients over the next 90 days…
I’ll even let you take S3 for a 30 day test-drive, and use it to fill up your sales pipeline… more on that in a second.
Now, all I have left to do is tell you...
How to get started
The S3 Method has one main purpose: To transform you into a client magnet.
To stop you from wasting time and money on methods that take forever to yield any results, if any at all.
When you’re inside, you’ll have access to all 14 videos and 13 resource downloads which will teach you everything about how to become a “client chooser,” instead of being a “client beggar.”
If this claim seems a bit far fetched, I want you to know that I don’t play games. I can honestly say that AdSkills, my company, only offers the highest level of marketing training.
Here’s what others are saying about our training
“Whatever they're charging now, pay it. You'll get it back. As a media buyer, an agency owner, I made my money back within 36 hours from the job board. I was able to get a client, a really great client that we got some good results for. That, in and of itself paid for the program, all the learning, the training.”
- Rory Stern
“Your strategies and insights have been instrumental to the success of my advertising agency. It’s shaped part of our philosophy and is responsible for results we are able to get for our clients. And those results are what bring us more clients than we can handle!”
- Jason Hornung – Creative Director – JH Media LLC
“Ever since I finished the Bootcamp, I've gotten better quality clients. I've gotten rave reviews from clients that I have never gotten before because they're so happy, even with results that we've been able to get them within the first 30 days. I've never experienced this before.”
- Liana Ling
“Landed my first $10k client because of what I learned in your course.”
– Jay Leishman owner of
I could EASILY hang a $10,000 price tag on this and have my pick of agency owners invest at that price.
Worst case scenario, they’d break even in a couple of months and produce a BIG ROI from there.
There’s so much uncertainty and anxiety about losing clients that I feel called to help.
While we’re not gonna ask for $10k…
It still has to be a significant investment so our first batch of 100 students are all COMMITTED to execute the plan.
Because I’m committed to making YOU succeed, I’ll also give you...
Value: $15,000 - Bonus #1:
90 Day Hands-On Coaching
I’ll be right there with you to make sure S3 works for you, too.
You can send me your S3 campaign before it goes live.
Together, we’ll work on it, and give you the best chance of landing your dream clients.
Then once we send it out, we’ll take the next steps together based on your results.
When your first S3 gets you a client, I’ll help you double down on it. We'll spend our remaining time producing MORE versions of your new proven message.
If you get unlucky and don’t make a sale on your first try? I’m gonna review the data with you and help come up with a pivot plan.
In short, you’ll have me in your corner to help attract clients in the next 3 months.
Now consider that normally I charge $15,000 for just 1 day of coaching work.
With the S3, you’ll have me in your back pocket, able to message me for help any time, for 90 days straight.
I’ll coach you through the setup, the execution, the pivots, and the optimization of your S3.
And I’ll give you the feedback you’ll need to score affluent clients fast.
Instead of charging you 90 times $15,000 for my 90 days of help…
Or even $15,000 flat…
You’ll get my time and my brain for free, when you get S3 today.
Value: $397 - Bonus #2
2 Homerun Case Studies
Get access to full scripts of 2 different homerun Facebook S3 campaigns, directly from my personal vault.
These posts have generated over $100K in sales... each.
You'll see, first hand, how these seemingly simple applications of the S3 method worked so well... and you get to ask me how to adapt them for your own use.
It's like getting 2 goldmine maps, which you can use for your own business... then, recycle, rinse & repeat... over and over again.
Value: $6,000 - Bonus #3
“Big Ticket Email” Training
Add $3k to $5k or More Per Client PER MONTH with “Big Ticket Email”.
Now that you’ll get clients chasing you with S3, you’ll quickly figure out that most of them are STARVING for someone to help them with their email campaigns.
Mr. X makes more money than anyone else I know with email and he’s usually so busy “doing it’ he rarely teaches.
Even when he does, he's charging $6,000 for it. And it's worth every single penny at that price.
So, when you act today, you’re getting his $6,000 Big Ticket Email training at NO EXTRA charge.
You can add an extra $3k to $5k retainer every month... or you can do what Mr. X does and get a BIG 30% to 50% chunk out of the profits for the sales he drives. It’s like being an affiliate, but using THEIR OWN list.
Don’t worry if you’re not the best writer in the world because Big Ticket Email is designed to work best with simple writing.
If you can write (or hire a writer) at a 6th grade level, your money mojo will rise to new heights when you get your hands on this exclusive bonus.
I don’t think you can find such a power combo to catapult your sales... anywhere else.
To recap, here’s everything you’ll get:
The S3 Method - Valued at $10,000
90 Day Mentoring - Valued at $15,000
2 $100K Case Studies - Valued at $397
‘Big Ticket Email’ - Valued at $6,000
(And, honestly, I’m lowballing the value of my coaching here, since I charge $15,000 for one day of one-on-one coaching)
This is a real-world value of at least $21,397…
You can get the whole package, today, for a one time payment of $2995.
This just in: I’ve decided to finance the first half of the payment for you. You can get in for half this price and pay the second half in 30 days, from your new retainer.
And nothing else.
This is not all. I’m so confident that this package is the real deal, the thing that will turn your life around, that I’ll throw in my…
“No Brainer ROI Guarantee”:
If you don’t get at least one client within the next 30 days, we insist on returning your money. No questions asked.
It's important to mention that our "No Brainer ROI Guarantee" is valid for both the 1-pay and the 2-pay options. If in 30 days you still haven’t got a client, I’ll give your money back.
Once you go through the S3 training and use my help to craft the perfect S3 message for your audience, I fully expect you to make your first sale within 30 days.
Let's say that all you got was 1 new client out of this?
Even at $2,000 per month with an average 6 months stay, that’s $12,000 of new revenue in your pockets.
$12,000 would more than cover the cost of the investment.
But you’ll have me in your corner to help attract clients for 3 months.
So I doubt we’ll stop at 1.
Now, the time has come to make a decision.
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2-Pay Financing Option:
Pay half today, the rest in 30 days, from your new retainer
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The way I see it, you have three options…
By now you’ve seen how you can abandon all those sleazy sales tactics and replace all of them with a simple, proven, multi-million sales method that will more than pay for itself after your first sale.
You know how it’s worked for me, and how it has been a fundamental part of my sales process ever since I first learned it.
I’ve been able to, finally, after all these years, convince Mr X to let me license his training and present it to my own audience...
With a performance guarantee and a coaching element that I ever only offered to my $15,000 a day 1-on-1 coaching clients.
Now, it’s time for a decision.
It seems to me that you have, pretty much, 3 options…
Option #1: Do nothing and stay exactly where you are right now.
If your sales pipeline is filled up, and your sales are hotter than you can keep up with…
Then, maybe you don’t need this technique. You’ve got it.
But if your sales pipeline has been dry, and making sales is a drag for you, then, you have two options left...
Option #2: Do it yourself.
You could get everything I talked about in this sales letter, track down some of my old emails and Facebook posts…
Then, you could try to analyze how the system kicks off, and how to create insight to get people raising their hands…
But watch out! Not ALL of my S3 posts are a grand slam. You won't know which were actual winners and which ones flopped.
Plus you'd have to figure out how to make the rest of the system work on your own.
You would also have to figure out a lot of the “whys” and “hows” Mr X goes through on his training… which took him years of fine-tuning.
Maybe, eventually, you’ll be able to figure it out and pull it off (not without spending a lot of time, and losing a lot of sales dollars, until you get it down)
Option #3: Let me open my playbook for you.
We’ll teach you everything about this system. Whys and hows. The right way to go about it.
I'll even help you get it right with my own hands, brain, and time.
All you need to do is to show up, and I’ll give it everything I got to help you make a ton of sales within 90 days.
Instead of losing time trying to figure it all out, you’ll invest time in perfecting a system you’ll be using for the rest of your life.
Heck, you could even offer this as a service for your clients and create a whole new income stream with it.
Out of these 3 options, I want you to ask yourself…
Which one is going to be easier for you?
Which is a more intelligent choice, in terms of time and value?
Most agency owners I talk to say they wish they knew what to do to fill up their pipelines with dream clients.
Only a handful are serious enough and willing to actually take a step in the right direction.
I’m only looking for 100 people right now. I wanna make sure I’m able to give you my full attention, to get this working for you.
And I do have a selfish reason for this. I want to be sure these first 100 customers knock it out of the park, so I can rack up success stories. Your success story.
Only you can make this decision. The door is open, you just gotta be one of the first 100 to come in.
Which one is it gonna be?
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2-Pay Financing Option:
Pay half today, the rest in 30 days, from your new retainer
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Why does the S3 System require an investment of $2995?
You’re not investing for a couple of sales scripts on a Google doc. You can find scripts and templates for free all over the web. But can you tell the numbers behind them to know they are proven?
Imagine you were a homeowner looking for renters, and you ran into AirBNB’s best kept secret sales method. The one that’s been working for years to attract renters... day in, day out.
Such a proven sales method might as well be bars of gold to you.
Well, you’re not looking for renters.
Instead, you’re an ad agency and S3 is the sales method I used to land agency clients such as Dan Kennedy, Ed O'keefe, Russell Brunson, John Assaraff, Ryan Deiss, and several divisions of Agora.
These scripts have been fine-tuned over the years to work like a surgeon's sharpest scalpel, cutting through prospects to straightforwardly find customers.
I’ll be conservative to stress my point. To an average mid-size agency, 1 client is worth, say, about 2k a month, for an average of about 6 months. That’s 12k in revenue from 1 client.
If all you got out of S3 was just 1 small-spend client, it would still pay back waaay above the investment in this program.
But I don’t want you to get just 1 client. I really want you to hit it out of the park...
That’s why the first 100 buyers of the S3 Method will get hands-on mentoring from me, inside our private group.
I’m going to review your scripts before you send them out, to give you a much better shot of landing your dream clients.
Then, if you send one out and it doesn’t work, I am going to review all the data with you, to come up with a pivot plan.
That’s coaching and leadership. Normally you’d have to pay $15k for such access, in a mastermind. Today you are getting that for just $3k.
As I said before, if you get just 1 client, it would still pay for itself.
But you are also getting me in your corner, shouting instructions as you go.
What if you get 2-3 clients per month for the next 3 months in a row, while working with me on this?
What could 3, 6, or 9 new clients over the next few months do for your revenue?
This is a no-brainer R.O.I.
Let’s talk guarantee. I know this is going to change your agency's future so I’m prepared to back S3 to the hilt with this guarantee.
If you don’t get at least one client within the next 30 days, we insist on returning you your money. No questions asked.
What if I don’t have 100 friends on Facebook?
This training won’t touch the subject of how to grow a list of friends. With that being said, Mr. X says that the fastest way to build a big list is to learn how to monetize a small one.
You can still get great results with a smaller list, but it will probably take a bit longer for you to recoup your investment.
Alternatively, you could JV with a list owner, post in Facebook groups, or ask your friends to share your post.
This sounds too easy to be true… Does it really work?
Mark Twain said "I would have written you a shorter letter, but I didn't have the time." Simplification takes time and effort.
Many believe a weird myth sales are hard and you need complicated systems to bring new clients into your agency.
Look at Fortune 500 companies. They have to have simple sales processes, because they hire lots of people and can’t possibly train them all to set up complicated, convoluted sales processes.
Instead they rely on simple methods, like S3, so new hires can easily and quickly get set up and start producing revenue for the company ASAP.
The S3 Method has been polished to a fine edge, with tens of thousands of conversations refining every element. It’s been streamlined to the point at which it appears deceivingly simple.
Thanks to the massive amount of research and development you save a lot of time and earn a LOT more money.
What exactly is the S3 Method?
A proven, easy, fast, and cheap method that doesn’t require you to be a good writer or techy to execute.
Without giving away the “secret”, I can tell you it’s a form of question based selling. The fundamental concept behind the S3 Method is a conversational, laid-back process that is magnetic.
It’s all the juicy stuff you’d have to learn from your own trial and error… handed to you on a silver platter.
What makes S3 a better option for me?
You need a fast fix, and this is it. It’s also a delegatable method so when you’re ready, you can hire someone to do it for you over and over.
The alternative is you buy a funnel training, write all the copy, come up with a new lead magnet, set up all the automations, and integrate a funnel.
Even if you use something like Clickfunnels, you still have to write all the copy and then... it could still not work.
Same goes for getting clients with webinars. You have to make the presentation, set up the pages, the email sequence, and then at the end of it all your webinar might not even convert.
With S3, we are using a sales process proven to work.
It’s deployable at no cost, with about the same amount of copy as a short email. Your total max time loss if you totally failed would be 3 days, not 3 months like other marketing methods.
Of course, if it fails you spin up a new test and go again ASAP. With a webinar or funnel, you have weeks of retooling!
If your agency has all the clients you need and you can “turn on the tap" to get more, you can skip S3.
But if you’re in need of more clients RIGHT NOW, we have a proven method to help you bring in new clients in the next couple of days. With no ad cost, no webinars, no phone calls, and no long sales letters to write.
Will S3 work for me?
If you’re a brand new advertiser with no clients, no testimonials, no case studies, and no experience whatsoever… then you should focus on building your skills, first, and maybe you shouldn’t buy S3 today.
Now, if you’re an ad agency owner, or a freelancer with 2-3 clients, have at least one good case study of getting strong results, and are ready to grow to 10+ clients… this is for you.
If you want to grow your business to 6 or 7 figures, and go from a handful of clients to having your sales pipeline filled with clients… If you dream about being THE agency in demand, instead of the struggling freelancer… Then the S3 Method will deliver the SCALE you need.
Can I use the S3 Method for my clients?
I’m so glad you asked!
This is yet another great way to put the S3 Method to work for you.
If you use S3 to pick clients who have high-ticket, proven offers… and run the same method to their own audience…
You’ll never look back again. Your clients will love you, and your pipeline will get stuffed with others wanting you to do the same.
You’ll open up the world of affiliate deals and lucrative JV’s the mega agencies use to make a bulk of their revenue!
How long will it take for me to learn the S3 Method?
Not trying to be tricky here, but I’ll answer you with another question: how much time are you spending on webinars, phone calls or writing long sales letters?
There IS a small time investment to gain this skill.
But all S3 students also comment on how much MORE TIME they have now NOT being tied to the phone, doing webinars or trying to keep up with fancy sales funnels.
With that said, if you can’t fit in 3 hours per week, then this is probably not a good fit for you.
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Immediately after the payment, you will get a link to download the product (like a google drive folder). The link will be sent to your email account immediately, and you can always get the link on your account history too.
The course is 100% completed and updated (includes ALL videos, pdfs, files, screenshots, everything); after you pay, you get a link to download the course Immediately.
We will send you a full refund if you don't get the complete course you ordered and we can't solve the problem in the following 24 hours. Please get in touch with us if you want a refund. Your refund request will be processed within 24 hours
We show screenshots from the course, give you a video sample, and show you the folder where you will get access to download the course; that is proof that we have the course.
Also, you don't need to trust us; you will be protected by PayPal buyer protection; if we don't send you the course, you can ask Paypal to give your money back
All registration information is automatically encrypted and anonymous, so it's safe.
We don't even use your name on our testimonials.
You can even use fake info; we don't need your real name. We understand you want to protect your privacy.
If your course has a problem, please send us a screenshot and tell us the problem. Then, we will solve the problem.
We will send a full refund when the problem can't be resolved.
Yes, send the information from the course you want to our chat or email at [email protected]
We are confident provide for all of you an excellent service. If you have any problems, please contact us via Live chat. If we are not online, send us an email at [email protected]. We will solve the problem quickly as possible!
NO, you don't need to get a premium subscription or download torrent software.
Forever. You bought the course, and you own it for life. Access it anytime you want. You'll also get all the course updates and new lessons for FREE forever.
Yes. We've partnered with PayPal to handle billing and provide a secure socket layer, and 256-bit encryption. So in layman's terms: Your credit card is secure.
Card information is stored ONLY by Paypal secure server (We never have access to your payment information)
Facebook Group Access
Support from the course creators
Mastermind or calls
Windows or App Software
You don't even need to trust Us. The Paypal Buyer Protection Policy will protect you.