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Start writing online in 30 days
Ship 30 for 30 is a cohort-based course teaching you the fundamentals of writing on the internet.
But unlike other writing courses, you will put your learnings into practice by writing and publishing online every day for 30 days.
Stop overthinking.
Finally start writing in 2022.
Click here to secure your spot onboard the March cohort!
Enroll today for a FREE BONUS copy of The 22 Laws of Digital Writing.
Quiz: Is Ship 30 for 30 right for you?
Have you wanted to start writing online, but aren't sure the first step to take?
Are you overwhelmed with the number of different platforms, topics, and strategies out there for writing online?
Have you started writing online, but now feel stuck?
Are you hacking away at blog posts, publishing into the void, never gaining any traction?
Do you have plenty of ideas, but struggle to put yourself out there?
Do you find yourself creating draft after draft, never hitting publish?
If any of these sound familiar...
Then Ship 30 for 30 was built for you.
What our 2,719 Alumni Shippers are saying...
Alice Lemee
If you've always wanted to start writing for yourself but came up with every excuse under the sun, Ship 30 for 30 is for you.
I went from thinking I never had the "time" to write to publishing every day. It was a transformational experience and it teaches you more about yourself than you could possibly imagine.
At the end of the challenge, I'd gained 3,000+ Twitter followers. More importantly, I left with a newfound sense of confidence, stronger writing capabilities, and lifelong connections.
Alex Lieberman
I have found Ship 30 for 30 to be a transformative experience. I truly mean that. And it’s such a wild thing. How simple yet how profound this simple act can be.
But I’m left more energized than ever before, more creative, and more clear in thought than ever before.
For the first time ever, I feel excited to sit down for 45 minutes, completely uninterrupted, and doing nothing except for think and write.
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An immersive course teaching you the fundamentals of writing online.
A community of like-minded thinkers.
The constraints you need to finally start writing consistently.
All beginner writers face the same 10 problems:
If you're reading this, chances are one (or more) of these problems are keeping you up at night (and keeping you from writing online).
And chances are, you know you should be writing - which is why you're one this page in the first place.
Whether it's to improve your thinking, accelerate your career trajectory, or help you quit that job you hate, writing is something that's been on your list for a while.
• Distractions
• Over-editing
• Perfectionism
• Procrastination
• Self-confidence
• Generating ideas
• Impostor syndrome
• Writing consistently
• Choosing a platform
• Finding time to write
The accountability you've been missing.
Maybe you've tried writing before. But, time and time again, you fall off. Something comes up. What starts off exciting becomes too difficult. And before you know it, you're back to square one.
But this is because there was no accountability.
You tried to start writing on your own, almost doomed from the beginning.
But Ship 30 for 30 solves that problem. You write alongside hundreds of other writers all with the same goal as you: to start writing and publishing consistently.
This creates accountability unlike anything you've ever experienced.
Writing alone is hard
Writing with a community is easy
Demolish your bad writing habits.
There are 3 killers of great writing.
Bad Habit #1: Overthinking
So many talented writers think success is about having the best ideas. It’s not. We have learned the best ideas come as a RESULT of producing a TON of ideas. Which means not overthinking the process.
Bad Habit #2:
Have you ever re-written and edited a piece of work for so long, you started to hate it? This is one of the most common challenges among writers. They spend so long on a piece of writing that by the time they “finish” it, they hate it—and then never end up publishing it as a result.
Bad Habit #3:
Falling out of practice
As soon as you skip a day of writing, it becomes easier the next day to skip again. Skip enough days in a row, and you’ll forget you ever had a daily writing habit in the first place. Getting started (or started “again”) is the HARDEST part for writers.
Stop publishing into the void.
The biggest mistake early writers make? Publishing weekly blog posts into the void. In the beginning, you think you know what you want to write about, and you think you know what people want to read.
But newsflash: you don't.
With this assumption, early writers enter a sloth-like feedback loop, which makes writing consistently impossible.
Instead, you want to make noise and listen for signal.
By writing 30 essays in 30 days, you work through months worth of ideas. And by leveraging platform algorithms like Twitter, you get immediate feedback on your writing.
Stop lurking.
Start creating.
Let's be honest.
If you're reading this, you know you should be writing online. Since "start writing" found its way onto your to-do list, you've seen dozens of others do it successfully, building audiences, launching businesses, and unlocking new opportunities in the process.
But for some reason or another, you've been putting it off. And it's probably some combination of procrastination, perfectionism, the fear of hitting publish, or thinking you have nothing worth saying.
Luckily, Ship 30 will get you to the other side. From lurker to contributor. From consumer to creator. And once you make the leap, you'll never look back.
No more blinking cursor on a blank page.
If this feeling sounds familiar, you're not alone.
In fact, you're just like the 1,408 other writers who joined Ship 30 for 30.
Well, you're like they used to be.
Because within days of joining Ship 30, the problem goes from having nothing to write about to having too many ideas to write about (which is a good problem to have).
How? Using our Endless Idea Generator.
Few things flood my brain with dopamine more than planning.
Planning feels so productive, but it's the cheapest dopamine there is.
And if you too suffer from a planning addiction, this story of two men learning to fish is for you:
— Dickie Bush (@dickiebush) July 12, 2021
Publish 30 pieces of written content in 30 days.
Writing weekly blog posts is the worst thing you can do in your first year of writing.
Slaving over a hot keyboard just to publish something that six people (three of which are your family members) will read?
No thanks.
Instead, you should start smaller with Atomic Essays. Short, single ideas expressed in under 250 words. And instead of writing weekly, you should write them daily - every day for 30 days.
During Ship 30 for 30, you'll write 30 Atomic Essays in 30 days, just like this one.
Build an audience.
Build a business.
Build authority.
Build a library of content.
Writing online opens up limitless opportunities.
We've had students go on to build audiences with thousands of raving fans. Others went on to launch courses, eBooks, newsletters, and their own businesses. And some have gone on to become published authors (from the content they created during Ship 30 for 30!)
Whatever your goals are for writing online, Ship 30 will get you there, faster.
No more pre-sales, no more waiting & ahead of time.
Learn how to become an intentional consumer and a prolific creator.
Form lifelong friendships with like-minded thinkers.
"I came for the writing, but I stayed for the community."
Writing on the internet can feel lonely. But, it doesn't have to be.
The internet has made it easy to find others just like you. And inside Ship 30 for 30, you'll learn alongside a group of others from every time zone, continent, background, and profession.
And the best part? Every single one of them has the same goals as you:
To finally start writing online.
Want to see this community in action? Check out the replies of this tweet!
12 hours left to hop aboard the next Ship 30 for 30 wave!
• Build lifelong friendships
• Publish 30 pieces of written content
• Learn the fundamentals of writing online
If you're one of the 429 August Shippers, introduce yourself and meet your shipmates in the replies!
— Dickie Bush (@dickiebush) August 6, 2021
Welcome to Ship 30 for 30
Here's how it works
Learn the fundamentals of digital writing
On the surface, Ship 30 for 30 is a course teaching you how to write effectively on the internet.
Upon joining, you'll unlock a 4-week curriculum packed with frameworks that guarantee you become a prolific digital writer.
8 Live Sessions covering everything you need to know to write effectively on the internet
BONUS ACCESS to all prior Ship 30 for 30 live session recordings (over 100 hours of content)
16 recorded modules digging deeper into the frameworks introduced in the live sessions (over 20 hours of recording you have access to forever)
Templates, examples, and swipe files for you to download and use (that will save you hours of headache in the future)
Weekly Q&A sessions to reinforce everything you've learned (and make sure nobody gets left behind)
Put your learnings into practice by writing and publishing every day for 30 days
Other writing courses charge you thousands of dollars, only to wave their hands in the air with "theory."
And by the end, you leave with a bunch of notes that sit in a folder for eternity. Meanwhile, you're still confused and unsure about the next step to take.
But Ship 30 for 30 is about moving quickly, taking action, and keeping a tight feedback loop.
You will write and publish an Atomic Essay (a short, 250-word essay on a single idea), every day for 30 days, all from your very own Social Blog (that you create during your first week).
In just 30 days, you'll build an entire library of content that serves as the foundation for months, if not years of future content.
And by writing and publishing every day, you'll demolish your perfectionism, impostor syndrome, and fear of hitting the publish button.
Immerse yourself in a diverse community of other writers, all on the same journey as you
Writing online doesn't have to be lonely.
But for most beginner writers, it certainly feels that way.
Which is why Ship 30 for 30 is the best onboarding program to writing online.
Other writing courses encourage you to write weekly blog posts into the void - and as a result you hear the sad crickets of indifference from the internet.
But in Ship 30, you'll surround yourself with like-minded people with the same goal as you: to start writing more and publishing more consistently.
Every age, from college students to working professionals to retired individuals and everything in between
Every profession, every socioeconomic background, and every possible life perspective
67 different countries, every continent and every time zone
Build lifelong friendships while using the community for accountability and feedback
The internet has democratized access to friendship.
No longer are your friends limited to the people on your street or at your school.
Now, you have access to millions of people with the same interest as you. But, you need to know how to find them.
And Ship 30 for 30 is that place.
We have writers interested in every single topic under the sun, and we ensure you are meeting as many of them as possible.
Upon joining, we pair you with groups of people with the same goals and interests as you.
These groups provide the accountability, feedback, and motivation you need to finally start writing consistently.
And throughout the cohort, you have dozens of chances to collaborate, build friendships, learn from one another, give and receive feedback, and everything in between.
Want a sneak peek of some of the frameworks we teach?
Download our FREE 13,000-word Ultimate Guide to Digital Writing
Looking to start writing online?
This FREE, 13,000-word Ultimate Guide has everything you need to get there overnight.
No fluff. Just 7 actionable frameworks you can apply TODAY.
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Ahoy From Your Ship 30 Captains!
Dickie Bush
Ahoy! I started writing online in January of 2020 - and doing so is by far the best decision I've ever made.
But for the first 9 months, I was spinning my wheels. I followed all of the conventional advice: "write a weekly blog post on your website so you can own your platform, write about only things you want to write about" and all of that other common advice.
The problem? There was no feedback loop. The weekly cadence was too slow to work through all of the ideas in my head. And since barely anyone was reading them, I had no clue what I could improve or what my readers were looking for.
So I needed to try something radically different. If I was going to keep writing, I needed to tighten my feedback loops.
This meant going from publishing 1000-word weekly blog posts to posting short, 250-word posts.
And instead of publishing into the void of my own blog, I would post them on Twitter, where I knew there was aggregated attention.
And so off I went. I challenged myself to write and publish something daily, every day for 30 days. 28 days in, the results were pretty good.
My perfectionism? Squashed. My writing speed? 10x faster. My feedback loops? And damn it felt good to work through the backlog of ideas in my head.
And during my personal 30 day challenge, I grew my audience by over 500%. I made my first dollar on the internet. And I woke up every morning excited to write, publish, and improve.
Turns out there was something to this writing and publishing every day idea. I knew there had to be thousands of others out there who were facing the same creative friction as me, and this idea could help them burst through it.
So I sent a tweet to my nascent following of 500 people.
Who would want to be a part of a group where every person writes 30 screenshot essays in 30 days?
• Eliminate the friction of shipping
• Every post under 200 words
• Pick a theme and create an asset around it
• Accountability from a group of people doing it with you
— Dickie Bush (@dickiebush) November 3, 2020
Six days after that tweet, we had 50 people in a Slack channel and we were off and running. Every person committing to writing and publishing every day for 30 days. Learning, iterating, building friendships, and having a damn good time doing it.
Nine months and 1,800 students later, Ship 30 for 30 has evolved from a Slack channel to an immersive, cohort-based writing course and community.
Cole and I have packed everything we know about building habits and writing online into over 20 hours of curriculum.
We've built templates and guides to help anyone, no matter their level of experience, start writing online. And we've built a rich, diverse community of like-minded writers and thinkers.
I can attribute every good thing in the last 18 months of my life to writing every day. I've gotten to meet and connect with people I used to idolize. And best of all, I've helped over 1,800 people experience the benefits that come with writing online.
And the best part of this whole thing? Ship 30 for 30 is just getting started.
And we'd love to have you on board.
Nicolas Cole
Ahoy! As a teenager, I had one of the first e-famous gaming blogs on the Internet.
I went on to study creative writing, fiction writing, and literature in college. But when I graduated, I had no idea how I was going to turn this passion of mine for writing into a career.
I took a job as an entry-level copywriter at a local advertising agency in downtown Chicago, but that's not what I really wanted to do.
I wanted to write books. I wanted to share my own thoughts and ideas with the world (not write social media copy for pizza chains and coconut water brands).
So, in an attempt to build myself as a writer in the digital age, I gave myself a goal.
I challenged myself to write every single day, on a website called Quora, for a year straight.
Best-case scenario, I would experience some sort of life-changing result and my writing would take off.
Worst-case scenario, I'd spend a year doing something I already loved and enjoyed, which was writing.
Well, writing every single day on Quora changed the entire trajectory of my life.
I ended up accumulating millions of views on my writing. In fact, one of my Quora answers ended up on the front page of Reddit, accumulating over 1,000,000 views in 48 hours.
By 2015, I was the #1 most-read writer on all of Quora (out of 200 million users).
And by 2016, I was invited to have my own column with Inc Magazine—where I wrote 400+ columns for the publication exclusively and became one of their Top 10 most-read contributing writers.
By the end of 2016, 3 short years after writing every single day on Quora, I successfully quit my job as a copywriter and began freelance writing for founders, CEOs, and venture capitalists.
By 2017, I had built a multimillion-dollar ghostwriting agency employing a dozen writers and editors, ghostwriting on behalf of hundreds of industry leaders.
And by 2020, I had turned everything I'd learned about writing online into a book, called The Art and Business of Online Writing.This brings us back to the beginning of the story.
By the time Dickie and I met, and I gave Ship 30 for 30 a try, I knew the importance of building a daily writing habit.
Because building daily writing habit was how I got my start as a writer. Challenging myself to write and publish something, anything, on Quora, every single day for a year, changed my life.
And I knew what Dickie was building had the potential to change other people's lives too.
And the rest is history.
Combined with Dickie's incredible idea for a cohort-based learning experience for writers, I brought in 10+ years of online writing insight to create a curriculum for anyone looking to get STARTED.
It had taken me years to learn many of these lessons on my own. But in Ship 30 for 30, we believed we will shorten your growth curve down to just 30 days.
March Ship 30 for 30 Course Overview, Curriculum, and Schedule
Course dates: March 7th, 2022 - April 11th, 2022
Two live sessions per week on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Times alternating to accommodate maximum time zones.
All sessions are recorded and distributed with detailed notes in case you can't make it.
Week 0: How To Build A Writing Habit, Where You Should Be Writing Online, And How To Generate Ideas To Write About
You will leave onboarding week with the foundation, motivation, and confidence to become a prolific digital writer.
How to effortlessly build a lifelong, sustainable writing habit (no matter how busy you are)
How to find and create your "sacred hours" (whether you're a morning person, night owl, or anything in between)
Create and launch your very own Social Blog, your new online home (and understand why it's better than a regular old blog)
Demolish impostor syndrome, perfectionism, and over-editing once and for all (even if you think you've tried everything)
Join the community, interact with your small group of peers interested in the same topics as you and with the same goals as you
Go from "I have no clue what to write about" to "I have way too many ideas to write about" using our Endless Idea Generator
Week 1: How The Game of Digital Writing Works (And How To Play It Well)
On the Monday after onboarding week, you will write and publish your very first Atomic Essay. And then, your ship is sailing and there's no turning back.
Week 1 is about learning how the game of digital writing works (and how it's different than the legacy writing world).
Publish your first week of essays, saying goodbye to sweaty palms and racing heart that come with the fear of hitting publish
Learn to take 1 idea and say it 100 different ways using the 4A Framework (so you never run out of things to say again)
Overcome perfectionism by "giving yourself permission to create junk" (and watch your confidence skyrocket as a result)
Use "The Golden Intersection" to get comfortable writing about yourself (without being arrogant)
️reate your 3 Content Buckets as you learn the difference between General, Niche, and Industry audiences (so you can finally figure out who you are writing for)
Week 2: How To Capture Attention, Keep Attention, And Build Credibility
By the time Week 2 comes around, you will have published more in 7 days than you have in the last 7 weeks, months, or even years.
In Week 2, we cover everything you need to start to build an audience (without all of the headache and sleepless nights).
Learn why writing for everyone means writing for no one (and how to use Pinpoint Writing to start finding your ideal reader)
20 Frameworks for writing headlines readers can't help but click on (but without using any clickbait)
Why your attempts at being "clever" may be the biggest thing holding you back (and what to do instead)
Understand the 3 Types of Credibility to start writing about something no matter your expertise
How to use the Curiosity Gap (and the "OK?" test) to craft pieces that go viral time and time again
Week 3: How To Make Your Writing Readable, Rhythmic, And Rapidly Revealing.
During Week 3, you'll unlock some of the little-known secrets that will 10x your writing ability overnight.
These frameworks lead to more moments than any of our other live sessions - because once you see them, you will never write the same way again (and for good reason).
How to use the "1 Chip Rule" to hook your reader and keep them reading (and why your biggest competition is TikTok and Netflix)
5 Proven Ways To Write A Compelling First Sentence (and why this is so important)
Learn to write rhythmically with The 1-3-1 Writing Rhythm (and how you can use this with emails, slack messages, and all types of written communication)
How to write enticing content using a speedy Rate of Revelation (so your reader is never bored again)
Why "visually dense" writing could be the reason for your slow growth (and why "visually enticing" is your solution)
Week 4: Data-Driven Writing, Becoming Known For A Niche You Own, And How To Position Yourself As An Authority
By the time we get to Week 4, you will have a fundamentally new outlook for what is possible by writing online. And now, it's time to accelerate your trajectory.
During Week 4, you will have published over 20 pieces of content. And now, you're going to figure out what worked, what didn't, and where to go from here.
Learn the 7 data points you should be testing and measuring (so you can see the growth you deserve)
Master the analytics on any platform (so you can stop guessing and start doubling down on what's working)
How to position your bio for authority and specificity (and why you're doing this wrong)
Become known for a niche you own (and why you must stop trying to be "better" and learn to start being "different)
How to get feedback from your audience (and let them inform you what to write next)
Beyond Ship 30 for 30 - Your Digital Writing Treasure Map (And How To Take The Next Best Steps)
By the end of Ship 30 for 30, you may be overwhelmed with the number of different paths you can take.
So upon finishing your 30th essay, we present you with the Digital Writing Treasure Map - an overview of all of the ways you can use writing to accelerate yourself and your career.
️ Should you turn your writing into a book?
Should you start a newsletter? Or should you start writing on other platforms?
Should you create an online course? An e-book? A digital product?
Should you become a freelance writer? A ghostwriter? A copywriter?
Should you use your writing to drive traffic to your products and services?
There are no right answers here! But we've had writers take every single one of these paths (and we make sure you figure out which is right for you).
Stop overthinking.
Finally start writing in 2022.
Question for you...
Do you struggle to write consistently, starting out with great ambition but then falling off?
Or do you find yourself overthinking every piece, held back by a frustrating perfectionism that keeps you from hitting publish?
Maybe you're familiar with the dread of the blank page and the blinking cursor staring back at you?
Or perhaps you spend time "planning" to write by researching the newest tools, note-taking systems, and platforms?
You're not alone.
In fact, you're just like the 2,000+ Ship 30 for 30 alumni used to be - before they joined.
And after going through Ship 30, these problems became a thing of the past.
And from there, some went on to launch products, build businesses, and monetize their expertise.
Others have built audiences of raving fans, become leaders in their industries, and accelerated their career trajectories.
And you're one click away from making the commitment to yourself to finally start writing online.
Join Ship 30 for 30
Ship 30 for 30 - Live March Cohort Enrollment
8 live workshop sessions with examples, walkthroughs, and Q&A sessions for students
10-module curriculum at your own pace (with lifetime access to these recordings)
Templates and frameworks to help you generate ideas, write clearly, and learn the rules of writing online
LIFETIME ACCESS to session recordings with detailed show notes, resources, and transcripts
Private community of writers with channels for different topics, platforms, niches, and geographies
BONUS ACCESS to the recordings from all previous Ship 30 for 30 cohorts
Leave with 30 pieces of written content and a strong understanding of how to write online
Secure your spot onboard the next cohort! ($799) ($499)
Enroll today and receive a FREE BONUS copy of The 22 Laws of Digital Writing!
What Alumni Shippers are saying...
I Felt Stuck as a Nurse. Here’s How Ship 30 for 30 Helped Me Carve a New Online Career Path
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How Ship 30 Helped Me Become a Better Freelance Writer
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The One Thing Ship 30 for 30 Did To Improve My Digital Writing
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What Makes Ship 30 for 30 More Than Just a Writing Class?
Read More →
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does this cost?
Other courses charge upwards of $7,000 to help you start writing online.
But our goal with Ship 30 is to keep it accessible while still charging enough to keep you accountable.
The full price of the course is $499.
Can I gift enrollment of Ship 30 for 30 to a friend?
Absolutely! And what a tremendous gift indeed.
To do so, simply enroll using your email address.
Then, send an email to "[email protected]" with the subject line GIFT TRANSFER REQUEST and we will send you further instructions.
What's the time commitment?
Life is busy. We know you don't have time to write all day.
By writing short, Atomic Essays, you will spend no more than 60 minutes writing every day.
But this 60 minute habit of writing and publishing daily is the highest leverage habit in human history.
On top of the daily writing, there are two (optional) live sessions per week as well as a weekly self-paced curriculum.
Is this just a writing challenge?
On the surface, it might look like this is just a 30-day accountability group.
And if you've read through this entire landing page and still think that... I'm not sure what to tell you.
Because Ship 30 is an immersive, cohort-based course and community that uses the 30-day challenge model to make sure you take action.
Couldn't I just do this myself with all of the free content out there?
Well... you could. And I encourage you to try it! Because if it works for you, great!
But chances are, you've tried writing on your own before. And between the hours it would take you to aggregate all of the free stuff and the headaches you would have trying to write every day on your own...
We think the $499 is well worth it.
Can this really work for me?
You might be thinking... sure, this works for other people. But my situation is unique.
But I can assure you, over the past year, 2000+ writers have started writing online via Ship 30 for 30.
No matter your background, experience, goals, competing commitments, interests, or special circumstances, the Ship 30 model will help you finally start writing online.
What if I've never written online before?
Then Ship 30 for 30 is the right place for you.
Ship 30 for 30 is tailored for beginner digital writers. In fact, 85% of Ship 30 for 30 members have never published anything online. And by the end, they've gone from never publishing to writing and publishing 30 pieces of content.
You will learn in 30 days what takes most writers months, if not years, to learn.
What if I'm not very tech savvy?
Don't worry, you're not alone.
We have members of every age, background, and experience level - everyone from tech wizzes to those who are just learning how to use computers.
During onboarding week, we make sure every member is comfortable with the different technologies we will use.
What if I can't attend the live sessions?
We do our best to accommodate every time zone - but we can't promise anything.
If you can't attend a live session, we record each of them and distribute them with detailed show notes, session transcripts, chat transcripts, and everything you could possibly need to soak the learnings out of them.
I don't trust myself to complete the course. How will you hold me accountable?
It's our goal for every member to successfully complete Ship 30 for 30 - which means writing and publishing every day for 30 days.
Throughout the course, we provide you with several different accountability mechanisms.
We'll check in consistently to hear how things are going and make sure you're getting everything you need to get the most out of the course.
Will this help if I've already started writing online?
Yes - in fact, you might be at an advantage.
Ship 30 presents a new way of thinking about writing online - a way of thinking you're not familiar with.
And once you see these frameworks, you can apply them to the writing you're already doing.
And as a result, you'll 10x your audience, content views, and credibility, all within 30 days.
How long do I have access to the course materials?
You will have access to the course materials FOREVER
This includes all live sessions, prior Ship 30 live sessions, and the asynchronous video materials.
What if I can't afford the course?
We do our best to make the course affordable for as many people as possible. But we know not everyone is fortunate enough to join.
We have scholarships available - and you can fill out this form to apply.
What if I have more questions?
Still have questions?
You can fill out this survey to send them directly to our team Slack channel and we'll get right back to you.
100% Refund and Rollover Policy
We want your Ship 30 for 30 investment to be 100% risk free.
If you engage with the course materials, attend the live sessions, yet are unsatisfied in any way, we will refund your purchase.
And if you find after enrolling that your schedule is busier than you thought, we will roll you forward into a future cohort and zero additional cost.
However, part of what makes Ship 30 for 30 work is the financial accountability. If you do not engage with the course materials or fail to take action during the course, this does not qualify for a refund.
Want to see some of our frameworks in action?
Check out our recent webinars!
Want a sneak peek of some of the frameworks we teach?
Download our FREE 13,000-word Ultimate Guide
Looking to start writing online?
This FREE, 13,000-word Ultimate Guide has everything you need to get there overnight.
No fluff. Just 7 actionable frameworks you can apply TODAY.
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Over 2,180 writers have built a daily writing habit through Ship 30 for 30.
Get to know a few of them here!
Stop overthinking.
Finally start writing in 2022.
One last thing...
If you're down here, you might be thinking... is this really worth it?
And sure - you could go and stitch together all of the glorious free content we've put out there on all things digital writing. And you could use all that content to try and start writing on your own.
But I'm guessing that if you're on this page, and you've read this far, you've tried something like this before.
And the results... well... they're not what you've been hoping for.
And since "start writing" entered your to-do list (likely long ago), you've probably seen dozens of other people do it successfully, building audiences and businesses in the process.
So here we are, 2022 already flying by. That blank page and crisp fresh start just a little bit away.
Now, wouldn't it be magical to look back at the end of 2022, pointing to this exact moment, this exact decision, as the thing that led to an incredible, lifechanging year?
A new business, a new career, new friendships, a completely new personal trajectory, all of these are possible - all from the simple habit of writing online.
And it can all start right here, right now.
So, what do you say?
Ship 30 for 30 - Live March Cohort Enrollment
8 live workshop sessions with examples, walkthroughs, and Q&A sessions for students
10-module curriculum at your own pace (with lifetime access to these recordings)
️Templates and frameworks to help you generate ideas, write clearly, and learn the rules of writing online
LIFETIME ACCESS to session recordings with detailed show notes, resources, and transcripts
Private community of writers with channels for different topics, platforms, niches, and geographies
BONUS ACCESS to the recordings from all previous Ship 30 for 30 cohorts
️Leave with 30 pieces of written content and a strong understanding of how to write online
Secure your spot onboard the next cohort! ($699) ($499)
Early Bird Enrollment is now open!
The first 100 enrollees in the March cohort receive FREE BONUS copy of The 22 Laws of Digital Writing eBook!
Still overthinking it...?
Download our FREE 13,000-word Ultimate Guide for a glimpse of the frameworks you'll learn onboard
Looking to start writing online?
This FREE, 13,000-word Ultimate Guide has everything you need to get there overnight.
Immediately after you paid:
- 1.- You will receive an email to get your download link
- 2.- This is an example of the text file you will get
- 3.- You copy and paste this link on your browser, and now you can download all the courses as a ZIP file.
FAQ Your Most Popular Questions, Answered:
Immediately after the payment, you will get a link to download the product (like a google drive folder). The link will be sent to your email account immediately, and you can always get the link on your account history too.
The course is 100% completed and updated (includes ALL videos, pdfs, files, screenshots, everything); after you pay, you get a link to download the course Immediately.
We will send you a full refund if you don't get the complete course you ordered and we can't solve the problem in the following 24 hours. Please get in touch with us if you want a refund. Your refund request will be processed within 24 hours
We show screenshots from the course, give you a video sample, and show you the folder where you will get access to download the course; that is proof that we have the course.
Also, you don't need to trust us; you will be protected by PayPal buyer protection; if we don't send you the course, you can ask Paypal to give your money back
All registration information is automatically encrypted and anonymous, so it's safe.
We don't even use your name on our testimonials.
You can even use fake info; we don't need your real name. We understand you want to protect your privacy.
If your course has a problem, please send us a screenshot and tell us the problem. Then, we will solve the problem.
We will send a full refund when the problem can't be resolved.
Yes, send the information from the course you want to our chat or email at [email protected]
We are confident provide for all of you an excellent service. If you have any problems, please contact us via Live chat. If we are not online, send us an email at [email protected]. We will solve the problem quickly as possible!
NO, you don't need to get a premium subscription or download torrent software.
Forever. You bought the course, and you own it for life. Access it anytime you want. You'll also get all the course updates and new lessons for FREE forever.
Yes. We've partnered with PayPal to handle billing and provide a secure socket layer, and 256-bit encryption. So in layman's terms: Your credit card is secure.
Card information is stored ONLY by Paypal secure server (We never have access to your payment information)
Facebook Group Access
Support from the course creators
Mastermind or calls
Windows or App Software
You don't even need to trust Us. The Paypal Buyer Protection Policy will protect you.